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Sterlings pov

Cooper called me this morning saying he can't go to the gym

So I got to sleep in which I should enjoy but I didn't
Anyways k got up and put this on

I did my makeup and wore my hair in a bun And took me and Brently to school I got a loaded tea and got cooper one I got to school and immediately His parking spot is empty maybe he's late I went inside and just went to classThe bell rang and we we...

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I did my makeup and wore my hair in a bun
And took me and Brently to school
I got a loaded tea and got cooper one
I got to school and immediately
His parking spot is empty maybe he's late
I went inside and just went to class
The bell rang and we went to second period no cooper in chemistry and we're doing a lab ugh
I had to be with the guy that flirts with me
We moved to third period and of course no cooper
And here is his loaded tea just melting away
I called him
Cooper: hey
Me: where are you pooper
Cooper: did you call me , poop er
Me: yes cause you pooped on my life why are you not at school
Cooper: cause I don't feel good
Me: your sick!
Cooper: no I'm fine I just don't feel good
Me: I kiss you! You better be fine
Cooper: I am baby
Me: omg you have a game tomorrow
Cooper: yeah but I'm fine I'll be at school tomorrow
Me: well your sick so I'm coming over after school and bringing food
Cooper: if you want
Me: I do want I'll see you in two hours get I sick so I can kiss you
Cooper: s Jesus Christ I'm not sick
Me: get better bye bye
I hung up and finished the school day
I went and got Chick-fil-A and went to his house
Me: cooper!
I went up to his room
Cooper: hm
Me: hi sicky
Cooper: I'm not sick
Me; I'm just messing with you here I got you Chick-fil-A
Cooper: oo thanks
He took it and ate it
Me: hey I want some too
I took a few nuggets
And sat by him
Me: what'd you do
Cooper: watch tv eat
Me: mm
Cooper: what'd you do
Me: well i woke up and saw your text so I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't cause I missed you but I went to school and even got you a tea but you never showed up
Cooper: sorry

Me: and we started a lab in chemistry and guess who I had to be with cause you weren't there
Cooper: who
Me: the guy who hit on me
Cooper: oh hell no what
Me: your fault not mine
Cooper: why didn't you text that I would've came
Me: well you didn't
Cooper: what about third
Me: sucked I sat in the room all alone
Cooper: damn sucks
Me: yeah and then I sat with Lizzie and Dylan at lunch
Cooper: where was Avery
Me: she left me she went to Texas with Arden
Cooper: damn
Me: so yeah I had a sucky day and you laid here
Cooper: well I'm sorry
Me: 3 kisses and I'll forgive you
He leaned up and and kissed me 5 times

Me: forgiven
I smiled and laid on him
Me: so why'd you skip
Cooper: cause I was like about to puke
Me: ew why
Cooper: cause I'm nervous
Me: what why are you nervous
Cooper: cause the future
Me: what about the future what's wrong
Cooper: there's supposed to be a bunch of scouts at the game tomorrow
Me: I'm confused that's great coop
Cooper: sure it's great I just have bad anxiety
Me: you do?
Cooper: yeah
Me: well what are you anxious about
Cooper: uh fucking up, looking bad, doing bad,
Me: well none of that's gonna happen because your literally the best baseball player I've ever seen every college is gonna want you babe
Cooper: there's better players not just in the team but like the whole state
Me: no no your amazing coop
Cooper: I'm good
Me: your great stop arguing your the best I've ever seen
Cooper: well you don't see a lot of players then
Me: I do your so good
Cooper: mhm
Me: any college that doesn't beg for you to play for them are absolutely idiots
Cooper: yeah well it's scary to have really important people watching you and
Me: this is what you gotta do okay
Cooper: hm
Me: don't give a fuck your the best player out there if they don't want you that's there loss but guess what there gonna want you cause you are the best batter and you run so fast and you look soooooo good in your jersey
Cooper: I don't think they look for how good you look
Me: well I do and you passed
Cooper: well thanks baby
Me: ofcourse
I pulled him close
Me: don't be nervy they're gonna want you they're gonna beg for you to play for them
Cooper: whose them
Me: every college ever
Cooper: okay
Me: you do so good every day your the best and not just in my opinion
Cooper: well thanks s
Me: your welcome babe
Cooper: what if like the Dodgers want me
Me: where's that
Cooper: New York
Me: then you'd go to New York
Cooper: what about you
Me: I wouldn't play baseball In New York
Cooper: I mean like us
Me: um I don't know what do you mean
Cooper: what happens if a college far away wants me
Me: like what's gonna happen to us dating
Cooper: yeah
Me: well I don't think we'd break up do you
Cooper: I don't want too
Me: well me either
Cooper: sooo
Me: well it depends I don't wanna go to college so I can like go anywhere really if I want I can move to close to you
Cooper: you'd do that
Me: yeah I mean from my view of Avery and Arden long distance sucks
Cooper: yeah
Me: so I mean you can pretty much model anywhere
Cooper: yeah
Me: is that okay
Cooper: you following me yeah very okay
Me: good
I kissed his head
Me: I love you a lot coop so where you go I'd go
Cooper: if your dad lets you
Me: I'll be 18 in a month and 12 days he can't stop me
Cooper: 18 and your gonna go wild
Me: duh
Cooper:'we should get tattoos
Me: when I'm 18 uhh yes please I've always wanted one
Cooper: i have one
Me: I know lucky what does that even mean tho
Cooper: it's my moms birthday stupid
Me: oh well I don't know Roman numbers
Cooper: you should
Me: you should t be nervous you should be happy cause you get to graduate with your super hot girlfriend
Cooper: oo yay me
Me: so what's Jess cooking tonight
Cooper: steak
Me: oooh yum I'm there
Me: tomorrow we're going to the gym very early to make up for today so you can be really good tomorrow
Cooper: yes ma'am
Me: now that I'm in charge nap time
I stroked his hair
Cooper: you shouldn't you take too many sleeping should be your job
Me: go to sleep now you can't be nervous if your sleeping
Cooper: okay fine
We cuddled to sleep
Until I woke up to the smell of dinner
Woah smells good
I woke him up
Cooper: what
Me: I'm hungry
Cooper: what time is it
Me: like 6
Cooper: go eat dinner then
Me: come with me
Cooper: mm fine
We got up and went to eat
Daniel: cooper ya know there's gonna be a few scouts at your game
Cooper: yeah I know
Daniel: well just play your best, and leave it up to them
Cooper: mhm
Daniel: I heard there's gonna be a few mlb scouts
What's mlb bro
Cooper: yeah I heard
Daniel: what time is it again
Cooper: 630
Daniel: okay I'll take off early then
Cooper: okay  I'm gonna go to bed
Daniel: alright sterling, are you staying or will you be going
Me: um I guess I guess I'll go
Daniel: your welcome to stay
Me: my parents will be upset so I better get going but thank you
Daniel: ofcourse drive safe
Me: thank you

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now