tutor: special chap <3

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[ 3 years later ]

"sunghoon, i might be paged at the hospital later on. i don't think you should pick me up."

ever since sunoo's mother died, instead of pursuing his dancing career, he got into medicine to help other people who had to go through the same thing as his mum, just so their families wouldn't suffer. he wanted to try his hardest to cure other people's loved ones, so they don't grieve and mourn like he had to.

as for sunghoon, he carried on with his ice skating career, even becoming a rising star in the figure skating world. sunghoon reached the podium in both local and international competitions as a teen and young adult, but that never stopped him and sunoo from seeing each other, even if they lived separately.

"sunoo pleaseee, i have a free day today i'm already outside. if they page you later i'll drop you off!"

sunoo sighed, "alright alright, i'm coming.
stay down there in front of the hospital."

a grin grew on sunghoon's face.


sunoo pushed his dark brown locs back as he reached outside the hospital with his dark blue scrubs and lab coat on. he reached the place where he would usually get picked up by sunghoon, and they would walk the route they used to walk back in high school, giving them huge nostalgia. the location was right in front of the hospital, where couples with an affected partner would sit on the benches under the cherry blossoms that were on display due to the current weather.

sunoo waited until he felt something hit his foot, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when he looked down to see a small skate shoe, a note stuck on top of it.

the note read: 'walk until the second cherry blossom tree <3'

despite being confused, sunoo still did what he was told, shocked when he saw a group of kids who attended the hospital with roses in their hands for him.

"hey, hyerin, what's this for?" he bent down and asked one of the little girls as he took all the roses, a big smile on his face.

however, the girl didn't say anything and just turned around to point to the man who was now walking up to them with a big bouquet in his hands and a big smile on his face. as sunoo slowly stood up, all the kids ran away.

"sunghoon hyung, my birthday hasn't come up yet, what's all this for?" then sunoo spotted something, a balloon that was apart of one of the decorations sunghoon must've put up outside the hospital for this 'event.'

the balloon said: 'will you marry me?' in gold writing.

sunoo's breath hitched, "are you asking me to marry you?"

sunghoon nodded his head with a smile, "mm." the older said before handing the younger his bouquet. the latter had a bright smile plastered on his face upon smelling the fresh scent of the flowers.

whilst his boyfriend's attention was diverted to the flowers, he pulled something out of his pocket. it was a black small box. sunoo spotted this as he looked up from smelling the flowers, and sunghoon opened the box to reveal a shiny ring with a diamond on it, "ta-da!"

sunoo looked down at the ring, and then back up at sunghoon, and it looked like his eyes held a million galaxies.

"will you marry me, kim sunoo?" the taller asked.

sunoo teased with a big smile on his face, not saying yes straight away, sometimes tilting his head to the left - then to the right. but in the end, after a few seconds, he gave in to sunghoon and nodded his head, "yesss," he said with his smile still on his face.

sunghoon let out a breath out of relief as couples around them and the kids from earlier clapped and cheered.

"congratulations!" multiple people cheered, catching sunoo off-guard as he looked around at everyone.

"ah, thank you," he bowed, "thank you so much," sunghoon just watched him in admiration whilst he did that.

the younger looked back at the other, the smile never leaving his face as sunghoon finally took the carefully kept ring out of the small black box; sunoo held his left hand out for the latter to put the ring on his ring finger, officially marking him his, forever.

the couple couldn't stop looking at each other.

"thanks hoon," sunoo said before sunghoon just laughed softly and caressed his cheek, leaning in and connecting their lips that fit perfectly like a puzzle. it was a soft kiss, but still full of passion and longing. 

sunghoon had finally proposed to sunoo with the ring he kept for a year. the ring he stressed was going to be rejected. the ring he couldn't wait to show sunoo.

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