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sunghoon woke up and found sunoo's head dug into his chest, his arms wrapped around his torso. it made him blush and smile brightly. sunoo stirred in his sleep too before waking up, flustered when he realised they were sleeping in the same bed and recounting what he did last night.

sunghoon smirked at how shy the younger got and sat up, running his hand through his dark brown locks.

"i'll freshen up first," he said and sunoo just nodded. once he left to go to the bathroom, sunoo was looking at the ceiling with one hand on his heart, turning over and kicking his legs whilst digging his face into the pillow - wanting to melt into the bed of embarrassment.


it felt like the group had been out everyday, which they probably have been. but, they were making the most out of their summer holidays and chance to stay at the beach house.

the whole group was invited to a party in the evening, it was turning dark and all colourful beach lights were on. some were drinking and some were dancing.

sunoo was dancing with one of the guys he found on the beach, his name was something like eunwoo. sunghoon's eyes however stayed glued on the two - almost a glare. he was downing his god knows which drink now and got up, approaching the two.

there was a tight space between him and sunoo, causing him to hold his hips from behind and move to his ear.

"can i dance with you?" sunoo jolted and quickly turned around, relieved when it was just sunghoon. he was too taken aback to say anything though and just nodded his head, noticing how sunghoon told the guy to go by using head signals.

and it was all going fine until somebody scoffed behind them and pushed sunghoon. furrowing his eyebrows, sunghoon turned around just to meet the guy face to face.

"do you wanna say sorry or what?" the basketball player said.

"no. it's weird how you two always hang out and do weird stuff like...like gay stuff."

sunghoon's blood boiled as he pushed the guy into his minions - inching closer.

"fuck did you just say?"

"i said you guys do ga-"

sunghoon's fist collided with the stranger's face, causing the latter to fall on the floor whilst sunghoon got on top of him and carried on punching him a few times, ignoring the fact the other's nose was bleeding and his hands were gripping his jacket.

"sunghoon!" jay shouted as he pulled him away, pushing him to get him into his senses. meanwhile, sunoo was just stood there shocked, until jungwon approached him and comforted him.

this only made sunghoon even more scared, wondering what his friends would think or his parents if even some stranger was saying this. he felt he definitely couldn't express his emotions now - worried about what others would think.

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