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sunghoon decided to go to one of the bars/clubs heeseung's family owned. however, the bodyguard blocked him.


"i'm lee heeseung's cousin," sunghoon just looked at the guard's startled reaction with a dead expression, watching how the buff man quickly apologised and bowed to him.

he just made his way in and was met with flashing, multi-coloured lights everywhere. people dancing. smoke covering most of the bar and music blaring in his ears. sunghoon just made his way to the bar.

"can i just get a glass of gin please," sunghoon comfortably sat down in one of the stools and rested his head on the table whilst waiting for his drink. whenever something bad would happen he used to always come to the bar and get drunk then take off with some random girl to divert his attention away from the situation. it was almost an addiction but he managed to quit doing it. well that was until right now, he was planning to do that today except from the taking a girl home part.

"here's your gin," the bartender said and quickly went back to making other people's drinks.

"thanks," sunghoon just muttered before downing it, making a sour face after at the taste. he felt someone's hand on his shoulder and then dropping onto his arm, turning around to be met with the sight of a girl shooting him a very flirtatious smirk.

"wanna dance handsome?"

sunghoon poked his tongue through his cheek.

"i'm not really interested though," sunghoon poured himself another glass of gin and downed it - the feeling of the girl staring at him making him a bit uncomfortable.

"come onnn, you know you want t-"

the girl's breath however hitched when sunghoon inched closer to her ear, his hot breath hovering over her skin.

"i said no." he whispered and took off, his whole mood of getting drunk ruined now if girls were going to carry on approaching him like this. the girl just scoffed and went on the search for another guy.


it was the evening now and it was dark already. sunoo was home alone since his parents and brother went out, therefore he was just chilling in the living room and watching movies. he was trying to take his mind off of everything right now, but a knock on the door took his attention away from his tv screen and he made his way to go open it.

on the other side of the door revealed a very worried looking heeseung and jay. they were holding a box of cookies but the way their hands were shaking and the anxious looks on their faces said something else.


"can we come in? we need to explain everything."

sunoo sighed and moved aside so the two could enter, quickly making his way to the kitchen after closing the door to make them some tea since they were soaked from the heavy rain outside.

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