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it was one of the last days of the beach and it felt like it had gone so quick, like they only went to the first party on the beach a day ago. everyone was packing. well, everyone except sunoo and sunghoon.

the couple were playing on the beach, splashing water on each other and drawing a big heart in the sand with their names in it, sulking and whining whenever the water would wash it up when it came crashing on the beach.

they were both laying next to each other - out of breath from playing together. however, sunoo was confused when sunghoon suddenly got up with a smirk on his face and ran to the water - following his actions.

"i, park sunghoon, love kim sunoo! he is the love of my life!" the older shouted from the top of his lungs with his arms spread.

"hyung!" sunoo exclaimed whilst blushing with a soft smile on his face, hitting sunghoon's arm.

"no i won't stop park sunoo because i love you so much!" he screamed again, turning to face sunoo. he suddenly engulfed his boyfriend into a hug, arms wrapped around his waist.

sunoo hugged back with his arms around his neck, the bright smile still stuck on his face. meanwhile, sunghoon dug his head into sunoo's shoulder, wanting to forget about the bet and just be like this with sunoo forever.

he felt a deep guilt.

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