~59~: For a better future!

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We have to get the kingdom on track again!

It is bad if anyone finds out about this...

A war could start out... and it wouldn't just be against one of our neighboring countries for sure... they will all take their chances especially without military power being quite low about now... not counting myself...what a problem...

It seemed as if I was not the only one worried about this because my grandfather made us all follow him after we stopped laughing.

"We need to have a family meeting."

"I agree with you father."

"Yes, indeed."

"Let's do this immediately!"

All three brothers were agreeing to this and us children could only follow them inside to the meeting room. There was one huge room where everyone had a place around the table. Right now it was just the duke, his three sons, Alex, Ryan and me. The other people of our family were excluded since this was about the fate of the duchy as well as the kingdom and all the respective people were there.

"Alright, let's talk about what happened first. As you all know the crown had opened fire first and we accepted the declaration of war. Thanks to Viviana and Ryan here, we managed to win that war with fewer casualties than we had initially expected."

"After this, Aneko, Micheal, Viviana and I went to the king to have a talk with him. He is a stubborn old man and refuses to listen or talk to us."

"As expected brother..."

"I agree here as well. Brother, did you really think that old man would talk with you?"

"I was the one suggesting that."

I couldn't simply leave them to attack my father when the real idea behind this whole peace talk thing was me. My father wanted to charge into the castle and kill everyone there who would get into his way. That was no secret.

"I believe every life should get a second chance and a chance to get even with their sins."

"What a good heart you have but that wouldn't work with a man like this."

"That is something I also found out."

I never saw my fathers brother officially before the war but based on the description, I knew that I was talking to the librarian, the bookworm of the family.

"We are facing some difficult times right now."

"Why is that, grandfather?"

"The duchy can survive thanks to us since we are rather independent. The kingdom itself is not independent. It needs someone to lead it and someone to stand behind the crown. Alex you might be young but you should know what will happen to the weak."

"They get consumed."

"Indeed. The neighboring countries are just waiting for an open opportunity like this."

"So what are we supposed to do?"

Me and father knew the answer to this since we talked about this earlier but the others didn't know about our decision. Besides that for some reason they were all looking at me right now. Was I the one knowing the answer? No, was I the solution? I really didn't get why they would look at me at all.

"Ryan, you should be the next king."

Since they were already expecting me to say something, I just decided and went ahead to say that. Needless to say that I continued to say what would happen with the duchy as well.

One Way: Find the DestinyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon