~1~ : Something is not right

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Was now a good time to panic?


As I came to myself or more like woke up from what I thought was a quick nap of falling asleep while actually studying for an exam, turned out to be something completely else. I didn't know where I was but oh boy! It was definitely not pleasant to wake up with my skin touching the cold ground. Scratch that, it was not just the ground aka dirt but it was actually raining. It was damn cold and it was wet.

If the thunder didn't wake me up, then what else?

You know what the scariest thing by now was?

It was not that I was on the ground but the matter of fact that I didn't know for how long I was actually there. I was in a goddamn unknown place and decided to just sleep on the ground. HAH! Good job new me! Well not that I knew what was going on at all.



What is going on?


How can there be rain?

I must be sleeping....

In fact I just woke up and the more I came to myself the more I started to realize in what situation I was actually in. It was so ridiculous that I started laughing soo badly at the spot the moment I saw the rain coming down. I felt it's cold touch to my skin. I felt the cold wind picking up and giving me a bone chilling shiver. I felt everything and let me tell you it felt real, too real for a dream.

This is a nightmare!

A vivid dream!

This can't be reality!

Maybe if I pinch myself, I will wake up?

Yeah, well even pinching didn't help cause that was the first thing I tried to do. The pain was real. Even if the pain was real, how could I deny this coldness? Was a vivid dream supposed to feel this chilly? I am not quite sure. I don't think that I should feel this much. Though I was seriously no expert when it came to the theory behind everything that our brain could come up with. I was not a mayor in the course of brainfuckery oh wait I mean mindshitting. Ah I still didn't get it right. I meant psychology or anything that had to do with a neuronal system.

Maybe I was wrong because I was a mayor in software design. So I knew a bit about artificial intelligence and all but that was by far not giving me the right to say I was an expert when it came to matters of the brain. Then again artificial intelligence was just something else but still cool nonetheless. I would prefer it over the mind since it was logical and made a decision based on a set of actually predetermined set of examples. It was learning but it was learning in a way a human was controlling it.

This however was soo not controllable.


Before I knew it, I closed my eyes again before laughing out loud. Who knows what I was thinking by doing this. Could anyone blame me though? I just woke up laying on the ground and facing the sky. To top it off the thunder was quite loud and it was raining buckets!

Yeah, just lucky me.

Where the heck am I?

This is soo not a dream!

Is this what they call reincarnation?

No, was that thing not about dying first?

I've read soo many stories in my life that I was quite familiar with the terms of transmigration and reincarnation. However all the times the main character would actually die in some way or another before traveling to the other world. There was not a single book where reincarnation would be done without that.

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