~35~: Welcome to the church!

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"So before we get there... How are the people? Anything I have to be aware of?"

I was literally a bit of a nervous wreck since I didn't quite know what was awaiting me. At first I thought there might be something behind the church but right now I was thinking this might be a death trap for me. The reason why I was thinking this way was thanks to Micheal here. He did tell me the story about all that happened in the past and while he did tell me that, I started thinking that there might be a lot more spies here than in the duchy which made me worried more and more.

"Don't worry about anything. I will have two guards assigned to you."

As if that was making me feel any better. I didn't know anyone but Micheal there and I was just somewhat glad that we would live right next each other since he was the only guy, I could rely on. What else should I say. Maybe I should tell him my concern especially the one with my dragon form. I don't want people to find out that I was an Underwood because that would lead to all kind of troubles.

"Vivi, the knights are all people I chose. So don't worry about it."

"You chose them?"

"Well I am the knights commander for now. I may not look like it but I am quite skilled with the sword."

"Wow, that's seriously great! You should be proud of it."

"Isn't that normal?"

"Maybe but I still think it's amazing."


We were kids but somewhat it didn't really feel as if we were kids. Everything was a bit twisted and I knew that fact. Still there were times I was definitely acting as a child too. I remember taking up some flour when I was in the kitchen with Emi and I called Diamond in to actually have this thrown into his face because I felt like it. After that I chased around a table but we all ended up throwing flour, sugar, salt and even eggs at each other. It was fun for sure but we did such a huge mess that I felt bad. Emi told me to leave it as it is since they had cleaning staff which would take care of it. Didn't make anything better and all.

"Vivi, I want you to know that whatever happens in there, you can tell me about it immediately. I am on your side. Not on any other side."

"What do you mean with whatever happens?"

"You are a new saint. They will question you since I am taking you in."

"What is that supposed to mean? Shouldn't they trust your judgment?"


Alright, that was the moment of truth. Up till now he was confident and didn't really hesitate on telling me anything but right now he did. I also had a good hunch about what it all was about. One word, Abuse! He was not only getting bullied but for sure physically abused. Whatever the hardship mentioned in the books was, I could only imagine things. Plus my imagination always tend to go a bit wild with me so here is what I was actually thinking:

He was not eating properly due to not getting fresh food or just left overs. What I am imagining is him in a room and then getting some rotten food served which he somehow still had to gulp down. I might be completely wrong here but that was what came into my mind in a state of panic.

Next up just physical labor. He might be the next leader of the church but he still was young and there were many incidents where kids would go missing or just die. No one could for sure tell that he would survive till adulthood and that was the easiest way to get rid of him while weakening his body. After all that would all make sense with how I found him. They wanted to get rid of him for sure! Especially since he was dead set on changing the outcome of the future too! He wanted to remove the crown and that was something a kid could and would never do! Maybe just dreaming but that was about it.

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