~43~: Sent by the heavens

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Meanwhile back at the duchy:

Oliver was worried sick about his daughter ever since he heard that his very own father found out where she was but the girl herself chose to run away. He couldn't understand what was going through that little mind of hers at all. He and his kids as well as his father were worried sick about her and yet she didn't want to return back at all. Then there was also the problem that his feather came by over and over again to talk about this topic as well. It seemed as if no one could forget the little girl. She was not long with them yet it was enough to make them all want her back by their side.

While Oliver was in his office sighing to the millions of times again, the door to his study was slammed open and no other than Delca was standing there but the man seemed out of breath. This was something that nearly never happened before at all. Only something important could make Delca run at full speed to his office and display such behaviour as well.

"What is it?"

"We found the source of the rumors."

"Which rumors"

"About the ones that the duchy was the one helping the magic tower and that the duke had fought himself."


There was no need to lie at all. Oliver hopped that Delca would come to his office in such a hurry to tell him knew about his one and only daughter. The poor man couldn't even sleep at night anymore. It was the guilt which was eating away from him. If he had only assigned two knights earlier to her, if he had made sure that there were no spies and if he had noticed everything earlier as well... maybe then his girl wouldn't be lost like now at all.

The thoughts came over and over and were sticking to his mind and wouldn't let go of him at all. Vivi was such a bright child and everyone had the same opinion, that girl was not acting up her age but she was also childish sometimes. She seemed happy but at the same time worried and nervous as if she knew something that she couldn't tell anyone. The longer Viviana was gone, the more and more people started to point this thing out. At first the servants including Emilia and Delca would say it was worry about how she would have been treated in the future but now thinking back it may have been something else.

"It was the mysterious healer that everyone is talking about nowadays."


"Yes. People say there is an old lady who was treating the sick and poor without asking for anything in return."

"What does the old lady look like?"

"No one knows that sir."

As little as the chances were that this would be Viviana, it was too big of a coincidence to simply ignore it completely. Viviana had the ability to heal people and manipulate the air around her. That was what they knew so far. There might have been more things but they only knew so far about these two things. Since she was a kid on her own, the duke had everyone look at abnormalities which had anything to do with a sudden healer or doctor as well as wind abnormalities. While they were looking for everything, they found the sudden appearance of a healer which as the coincidence wants it only happened to go around after Viviana left and also vanished completely.

"Is it possible that Vivi would be the healer?"

"That might be possible but we have an even bigger problem."

"Which one?"

"The crown opened up the fire on us."

"Damn it!"

It was a last resort but still, no one thought that the crown would be this stupid as to attack the duchy openly. It wouldn't just mean that a lot of lives would be lost but dramatically increase the demonic beast as well. There were some rumors that the crown was catching and mutating or even starving demonic beasts to release at the battlefield to make sure they would win. Then there were other rumors saying they were creating them and no matter what it was, in the end each of the rumors suggested that the crown would use demonic beasts or even demons themselves in the next battle.

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