~45~: At the banquet

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On our way to the church, we told Ryan everything he had to know including the plan. It was honestly just a partial one since me and Micheal simply connected some dots. However the situation might not be as it was back then. Thanks to me, we didn't know if the pope would actually go and deliver the money today himself or not. However one thing was sure, after I healed everyone and after the pope tried to actually attack me, no one wanted him anymore. He lost all his power and from what I heard was also dragged away from the scene quite far away if not into a prison cell.

Ryan was the one pointing this flaw out which both of us didn't think about until now. Anyways we had to actually wait till the banquet would begin to see if the pope would be there or not and what the current rumors were all about. At least the holy knights would know about what was going. Micheal should also be the one knowing everything but he was with me the whole time which already told me everything.

Once we arrived at the church, both of us quickly got ready and then went out to the banquet hall. There was one room which was used for such events and it was huge. Luckily nothing changed from my attire or even Micheals. I would know how he looked exactly besides only the holy church's people wearing white. No other person was wearing white. Ryan himself was actually wearing something completely black. At least it had some blue touch and fancy dragon embroidery of the emblem on his shoulder but it was still a bit out of place.

The rest of the guest were wearing light pastel colored dressed nothing heavy like black or red at all. It seemed as if there was an unspoken dress code but that didn't matter at all.


"I am a bit nervous."

Though I think I can make it...

I should... well need to... at least you and Ryan are there...

I wouldn't know what to do without anyone to rely on at all.

"Do you feel alright otherwise tho?"

"Yeah... "

"Don't worry, I am here for you... and your brother is right there too... just look at how he is looking at me escorting you into the room... uff if glares could kill."

"I am sorry for that."

"Don't be! It's not your fault at all and I would probably do the same thing if I had a sister."

"You would?"

"Of course! I would try to protect her. Vivi, we are friends due to everything happening... well I see you more like a sister as well but I would also not want you to be in danger nor a stranger escorting you."


"Is it that funny?"

"Of course it is, but I know what you mean. I also wouldn't let you be taken by any random girl. You know we can be quite dangerous as well."

"You can say that twice. Womens are scary!"


I continued to sneaker for a bit longer until we got announced and that was when all their eyes shifted towards us and once again, they all started staring at first for a short while but soon after that, I could hear them chanting again. For me it at least was sounding like chanting because they were praising me and the new pope. This was apparently it. The pope was not the pope anymore and I could only guess that this was just what the people felt like because we didn't get any notice about the old popes death at all.



It continued to be this loudly till we finally got to the center of this room and that was when Micheal announced the opening of this banquet. There was enough food and drinks for everyone.

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