~32~ Mysterious Doctor - all healer - a true angel...

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The next day, I actually went out to heal the sister of the guy and continued to heal soo many other people through the day. Some had just some burns but others had a more serious illness and I even saw some which had trouble breathing or having a heart disease. No matter what it was, I managed to heal them all with my own little ability.

It got me really far and each time I was healing people, I was dressed in complete black and had a mask on. To make sure people didn't know anything about me, I was also having some gloves on my hands so people don't think that I was a child at all. If they knew, they would stop coming to me.

Oh well it was not as if I was actually forcing them to come at all.

Today were quite a lot of people!

I am also really really tired!

Best get back as fast as possible!

After I got my everything done as the mysterious doctor, I quickly put the black robe away and started heading towards the inn since I had a room there for a week. Well I planned on staying here for a week to make sure that the people are alright and to get as much information on everything that was going on before I would go for travels again.

That was the plan.

But things never go as planned and I already learned that much.

So as I was walking back to the inn, I saw a child a bit older than me sitting there on the sidewalk. He had really shiny light gold hair with a bit of blue mixed in as well. It reminded me off the morning when the sun would come up and the sky was still a really light blue. Well anyways, his hair color caught my attention and this was the only reason why I looked at the kid.

He seemed really skinny and he was looking at the ground. Not only that but he was wearing something a bit strange. I never saw anyone wearing black and violet at all. It also looked more or less like a cape and not really something a normal person would wear. But I could see some bruises on his hands and also one around his neck. There was this chain as well. It was wrapped tightly around his feet as if to prevent him from running around.

A slave?


Why would he be here?

What is the purpose of these chains?

Why would anyone chain a kid like him?!

This is insane!

Range overcame me as I totally forgot that this was a completely different world. This was how I stomped over to the kid till I was right in front of him. First I looked down at him but he didn't move at all. So I decided to just watch for a moment if there were any signs of the kid breathing. Who knows he might already be dead or so I thought until I saw something shocking.

I never really noticed it when I got to him until I started searching him up with my eyes from top to bottom. That was when I noticed that the kid was injured and bleeding. He was also really pale and breathing heavily if not even panting only that he didn't make any noises which was surprising to me.

"Are you okay?"

Of course I didn't get any answer from the kid. Why should he answer a stranger and I was definitely a stranger for the kid. Yet I couldn't just look away and let the kid be at all. Something about seeing an injured kid made my heart drop. I was a kid too yes but my soul was not and this was why I had a lot more sympathy about a kid like him.


Nothing again and this time I was even crouching in front of him. Since he didn't react at all, I decided to actually take one of his hands into mine and that was when he shrieked away from me. He seemed really scared and his eyes were really wide but they had this deep blue color which reminded me of the starry night sky. What a beautiful combination of the eye colors and the hair color he had.

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