~40~: Let the distraction begin!

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A couple of days passed while I was staying with Micheal. He did as he promised and was spending each and every free second he had with me. I also got Jaz which stands for Jasmin with me. I never was able to remember her whole name so I just went with Jaz. Anyways, she was there for me all the time no matter what. Micheal assigned her to me because he thought I would be more comfortable around her. So I just went with it. Not that I had anything against Noel and Jasper at all. They both were fun and definitely had their own minds. Jasmine on the other hand was a bit different. She had short hair and from what I heard she was more powerful than these two and she ranked better than them in every category as well. Apparently she was also quick to notice something wrong as well. This was important especially around me which was why I had her around me all the time and why she was my personal escort knight and maid too. Maids didn't exist here in the church but the holy knights would sometimes serve their masters as one. I never really liked to be served but here and there I just found it easier to ask Jaz to get me something than for me to look around and bother with more people. Speaking of people.... There was this small party which would be held at the church today because of me and I was soo not excited.

Honestly if I could, I would dip immediately.

However that was not an option since I had to be there for our plans to move on.

"Why does it have to be an open event?"

An open event meant that I, as the new saint was about to be publicly announced in front of the citizens. Everyone was welcomed and was allowed to come to this event. Of course I would stick with a veil and that white dress I picked out since I liked the freedom of it a lot. Still, it was making me very nervous as I didn't quite know how to act in front of a crowd.

"You'll be fine. You look amazing."

"I am not worried about how I look."

"Then what else?"

"What if I act in a way that people are gonna hate me?"

"That won't be happening."

"How do you know that?"

"Because you are a lovely girl!"


"Yes. You saved our Eminence in danger ignoring whoever he is and who you are without any kind of material desire."

"It's true I saved him... but still..."

"No, I know from staying with you that you only want the best for everyone. Otherwise you wouldn't be here."


At this point, I just wanted to ask about it. It was on my mind for soo long already. Up until now I never really had the guts to ask Micheal about it personally but maybe Jaz would tell me what happened back then. I knew how much they liked him and cared for him but I still found Micheal at the brink of his death laying in an alley.

"Jaz, can I ask you something?"


"Why was Micheal alone back then?"

"We were ambushed and separated. They were after his life and we also know by now that the pope was behind it."

"Why would he be behind it?"

"Because he fears the power that Micheal is getting day by day. He has the support of many nobles and the duke as well. He may not look at it but he really does whatever he can to help people out and even go out of his way for it."

"I understand."

"You do?"

"Yeah, he just likes this place and he doesn't wanna lose it."

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