~13~: Fancy.. Very Fancy...

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First let's state that this shop was more than just fancy and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that even royalty would be coming around here. Then let's move on to all the bling bling glittering accessories around. It was not only the dresses which had them on but the walls were decorated with it as well and the woman who greeted us had tons of it on. For a moment I thought that jewelry might be really cheap and not worth much seeing how much there was. However when I looked at it again, I could definitely see that all the clothes in there, all the dresses and everything else was of high quality which means that there was no way that they were cheap. This shop was definitely one where only aristocrats would visit.


I feel soo out of place!

Just wow...

What in the world is this?

Is this normal?

Did people really do things like this?

How are they wearing these gowns?

Aren't they heavy?

"Welcome to my shop. How can I help you?"

While I was still kinda in a daze about all the jewelry and gems and all the expensive stuff used and hung out for display, this woman came over to us to greet us and surprisingly she sounded very polite as well. That should for sure not fool anyone since her eyes were betraying that picture perfect image of a nice shopkeeper. She definitely didn't want us here and believe it or not, I didn't want to be here as well. However we couldn't just do what we wanted at all. There was a reason we were here and there was no way, I would just leave because I wanted to! I needed a dress after all and my first expression was definitely important at that festival.

"We are here to find a suitable dress for her."

"What a cute young lady."

"She is my sister, please treat her with respect."

Treat her with respect he said... wow! As if that woman was gonna do that!

I would personally eat a hat if she will!

I am confident that she will try something on me!

Just look at her!

My kind brother let me down and the first thing I did was step back behind him. I didn't like this but I had to go through it. There were some things in life that were just like that. School was one of them. No one liked going to school. There were subjects that were nice and some which were hellish. Everyone knows that much and everyone has a teacher they love and hate. Well 100 different kinds of people and 100 types of personalities. Some are nice and will make things funny and others just want to give you your personal hell. Whatever it may be, I was always a person who loved to complain but also show what I could do.

However this situation was a bit different. I was just a child and there was really nothing I could do here. It was just me, my brother and this woman in the shop. Now someone tell me, how I was not supposed to start panicking a bit?

"Is this young lady the new lady of the house?"


"I am sorry, sir. She seemed soo lovely just like a Dandelion."

Oh sheesh!

Did she just compare me to a flower or a weed?

Dandelions are officially a weed if I am not wrong....

I wonder if my brother caught that?

The moment I heard her call me a Dandelion, I looked at my brother and he definitely caught the idea behind the sentence. It would have honestly surprised me if he didn't. To be fair, he did warn her earlier and I could tell that he was giving her a final warning with that sharp and dangerous smile of his.

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