~31~: Rumors

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It's been half a year since I ran away from the magic tower. I heard people talking about what happened that day. Of course no one really knew the details but I was there. I knew and watched what was going on. I saw the crown prince slaughter mages, well I saw the corpses and I saw his soldiers. The prince himself would never get his hands dirty himself but in my opinion he already did so.

I was sitting at a bar while I ordered some food.

"Did you hear what happened over at the magic tower?"

Here they go again...

Let's see what nonsense this is this time.

"I did."

"Can't believe the king sent some soldiers over to kill these poor people."

Not really the king but you are not that off...

"I heard the opposite."

"What opposite?"

"The mages tried to summon a demon and that is why the crown prince took them on personally but died in the results... well some say he fled because he was too scared."

"NO! Heck no! Believe me when I tell you this."

"Huh, how do you know?"

"My sister was one of the crown prince's servants. She came back scared and all she told me was how nasty our crown prince was. He is a true demon. It wouldn't surprise me if he created all that fuss and then got into hiding."

"Really? What happened to your sister?

I didn't really care what they were talking about the sister at all since I was a bit busy myself. Once I got out of the forest, I found a nearby abandoned mine and lived there for a bit as a dragon but I also soon found out the trick to shift back and forth. I was just lucky I found some adventurer who thought that I was abandoned as a sacrifice and gave me some clothes and food and brought me to the next village. They also told me to register as an adventurer which I did and that was the only thing keeping me alive. Of course I took the part up to heal people but I never exposed myself to anyone whenever I would go around being that mysterious healer everyone was talking about. Well I got to earn money somehow. This was the easiest way and I didn't like fighting demonic beasts or demons or anything like that at all. So my task as an adventurer was mostly gathering herbst.

Today was my first day in this small town and I just immediately went to the inn. I intended to stay here for a bit before continuing my way to the capital slowly of course. I had enough time to grow and I needed to be prepared for anything. As of now, I was pretty good at shifting back and forth from my dragon and human form, healing of course and some fire as well as telekinesis.

Alright, it seemed as if these guys knew about the story the right way...

At least I don't have to interfere here.

Though spreading some good words about the duchy wouldn't hurt...

Ah screw it let's do that!

I was minding my own business till I decided to get over to the other table and sat down right next to the guys.

"Sorry to interrupt but I heard you were talking about the magic tower incident."

"Ah yes we are. Are you curious?"

"A bit. I heard from a soldier who was there that the beast duke came and helped them out to stop the lunatic of a crown prince!"

"The duke?!"

Both of these men were stunned when I mentioned that. By now I was used to this reaction. After all, for the past couple months, I was just wandering around and telling this story making the duke and the tower master be the heroes of the day. Not as if it wasn't entirely false at all. However people talk and while people talk, the truth is being twisted. I knew if I would focus on putting the duke in a light spot, they would all throw themselves at that and the story was getting exaggerated as it was being passed from one person to the next one.

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