~58~: Talks were never an option....

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As much as I am a patient person, I was also one who wouldn't stand injustice or any insults which were unreasonable. One of them was calling me family monsters and the other one was assuming that I had brainwashed all the poor people who suffered thanks to the king himself! I was not doing anything bad at all and yet he had the audacity to scream at me. It was simply just unbelievable.

I need to give this idiot a news flash!

He is no longer in charge of anything here!

In fact, he is lucky that the people haven't stormed the place yet!

Step by step, I started to get closer to the king while I released the bloodlust inside of me as well and took off my veil looking at the king with my sharp golden eyes. Everything was clear and I could see all the details and motion he would do. Before the king could even hurt me, I was sure he would be paralyzed as if he wasn't already thanks to the bloodlust aura I was emitting.

"You said, I am a monster... then what do you call yourself?"

If I am a monster, he is the devil!

How can he not realize that?!

What he is doing is tyranny and not only that but it is evil!

He is sacrificing his own people!!!

I won't let this go!

If he doesn't want to listen, I will make him listen!

I knew that there wouldn't come any response but I could see the king's face getting redder and redder. Oh well it was his turn to listen to what I had to say now after he was so kindly insulting me earlier as well.

"Let me explain to you what the situation outside looks like and burst out your little bubble as well."

Seeing as you are this oblivious, someone has to do it and I will.

No one in the room actually dared to say anything. The aura in here was soo tense that one could actually cut it with a knife for sure. Even then it for sure would have made a sound everyone should be able to hear. It was just simply this silent here.

"The people outside are demanding a new king and a new crown. We could let the people in and let them handle you. Your soldiers wouldn't be able to do anything at all. To top this one off, do you really want to face the people outside. They wouldn't only storm in and destroy this place and your lineage but they would certainly take you out of here. Perhaps even drag you. If worse comes to worse your own soldiers will arrest you and throw you in prison for a couple of days... and do you know what would happen then?"

By now the king's face paled up. I was already standing right in front of the king. My eyes were following him the whole time and by now he was definitely scared. This was exactly what I wanted after he displayed such hospitality.

Seeing as the king now knew his place, I stopped the bloodlust and turned around to my companions smiling at them as if nothing ever happened.

"If your brain still doesn't know the answer then let me tell it to you... the people want someone to be responsible for their suffering. You send out good people into a war and even had the pope at your side which unfortunately died a couple of days ago.... Since you are the only person left alive, they will redirect all the pent up frustration and anger at you."

There was no friendliness in my voice anymore. I was not joking nor was I belittering this situation.

"So of course the people want to see blood but at the end of the day it will not be mine or my fathers or my families nor Pope's Micheal or Master Aneko's... Nooo... it will be yours."

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