~21~: A sleeping dragon

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I was really sleeping soo nicely and the warmth of the sun felt amazing on my scales. It was just too comfortable to wake. The only thing that woke me up was my grumbling stomach and my hunger. This place was really nice. I didn't quite know where I was but it was just amazing to be around here. It felt soo peaceful as if this place was where I meant to be. Honestly I never felt this relaxed in my entire life.

"We are not allowed to be here!"



"I said shhhh!"

"Yeah but why? There are no monsters around here thanks to the protective dome sensei made."

"Still they could hear us."


The faint voices of children could be heard and I was sure that they were not as close to me to be any kind of threat at all. Besides that I also didn't feel as if they would or could hurt me in contrast to that other man the night before who tried to kill me. Besides I was quite sure that kids couldn't hurt me as I was currently looking like a dragon. However there was no harm in scaring them away.


I let out the best roar I could muster which in my ears even sounded a bit cute instead of threatening. I was still a child after all and if I had to compare it, then I would compare what I just did with a roaring tiger cub instead of an actual tiger. Sure it was a bit loud but it was high pitched and more cute than basically anything else.

This should be enough to scare them away.

I wonder what they were talking about when they mentioned a dome....

Is that something like a barrier?


Shouldn't it be impossible for me to enter here if it was a protective barrier?

The more I thought about it the more weird it felt being here. There was definitely nothing threatening around here. This much was for sure. I did listen to my instincts and they would scream at me for staying here if there would be something. However I just felt calm and I was sure I could go back to sleep if not for my hunger.

"What was that, Ilya?"

"I don't know... but we can find out."


"What do you mean no!"

"You heard that scream! That was definitely a beast!"

"But it sounded young! So there shouldn't be anything about it."

"It is a freaking beast Ilya! The parents could be around too."

"Joshua, don't be such a scaredy cat! We came here to find some herbs for potion after all."

"Yes but this is a beast we are dealing with!"

Somewhat I felt as if the noises were starting to get closer and closer to me. Personally I would say, I had a screw loose at this point. Why? Well because I didn't feel threatened nor scared but more curious about the voices. I wanted to meet these people and I knew it could be dangerous but for some reason it didn't really come to me in reality. My brain was definitely screaming at me to get the heck out of there but I didn't budge at all.

I wonder how old the boys are....

Maybe they could help me....

They said something about potions...


Potions are only things wizards and magicians can do or even witches!

The magicians here were often called witches in the past and there is a magical tower...

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