Part 60

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I made the jump, crashing into several branches on the way down. I made it to where I wanted tho, the river below. Only problem was, I heard the second splash behind me. I was under the water for longer than I would have liked, and as soon as I even reached the surface I felt the bite on my leg from the dog. I let out a scream as I struggled to stay above the water. I heard another splash, but I was focused on not drowning right now. I heard another bark and two splashes and paddling. I looked and seen the flash of white in the water and then black and brown, it was Ice and Cooper. I felt the bite on my arm leave and then I was grabbed around the waist, but not a bite, someone was holding me. I looked and seen Alex, all beat up even more than before, but he was helping me. He got toward the shore and Landon grabbed my arms and pulled me up before helping Alex. We both lay there on the shore out of breath.

"Are you crazy!" Alex says in pain. I laugh a little and look toward him, he was already looking at me.

"A little, I mean I love your crazy ass," I joke making him laugh.

"We need to get Lucas to a hospital, and Alex back to the hospital," Morgan says in a panic as she sits with Lucas who was now on the ground not responding at all. Landon being the only capable one at the moment, call it in and we wait. I hear the barking in the water and sit up, Ice comes running up the bank, his white fur had a few red stains in it. He looked to be okay tho, now I sit and wait for Cooper.

"They are on their way," Landon says as he check Alex. Alex was breathing heavy and groaning in pain.

"Cooper!" I shout as Landon focuses on Alex. I hear some more splashing and get a little relived, until I see the mean dog drag itself onto shore. Ice had no fight left in him, I mean he was only a puppy and all. I watch as the dog shakes the water off itself and growls at us. Landon stands in front of all us and watches it. Cooper runs up the bank and the two dogs get in a fight, rolling back into the water. I try to get up to help my dog, but due to blood loss from being hit in the arm, I was to dizzy.

"I got it," Landon says running to the edge of the river once all the barking and splashing stopped. I watched and waited, then Landon picked up my dog and carried him over to us. I felt a tear in my eye as he just lay limp in Landons arm. He had several bite marks on him, deep ones too.

"Cooper?" Morgan said looking at our dog with me. Landon set him down and just looked at him.

"That dog just risked it's life to save us all," he said.

"He was trained to do that, but I never thought it would actually ever happen like this," I say pulling my dog into my arms, not caring he was wet and dirty. I just held him, then I heard him let out a whimper. I looked down and he was struggling to move, but he was alive. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, he was alive, and the ambulance was now here.

A few hours later and we were all back at the hospital after having to do a police report and everything. Of course, Lucas, Alex, and Morgan got taken to the hospital right away. I got a few stitches and my baby checked out, it was alright still surprisingly after going through all that. Cooper was taken to the nearest vet, he is doing good according to the person watching him for the next several weeks as he recovers. Ice is there as well, not hurt tho.

"Thank you," Morgan as walking into my room where I was placed to rest. She walks over and hugs me. She had her bruises all checked out and covered, the cuts bandaged. "Thank you for not giving up on looking for me. I knew you would realize something was wrong when I went missing," she says making me laugh.

"Yeah, you always find ways to get into trouble... I'm just glad I found you before something worse happened," I say as we have a sister moment.

"Morgan, Faith you need t come here," My uncle Cole says as we both slowly follow him, since we were tired and injured and all. We follow him into my mothers room, where she was in tears.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked as we rush to her side to comfort her.

"Your dad..... He lost to much blood in surgery," my mother begins as more tears fill her eyes. My heart drops and tears instantly flow, same with Morgan.

"You're lying," Morgan say backing up. I don't say anything, I had nothing to say because I was to upset.

"They did everything they could," my mom says to us. I shake my head and back away from her. This wasn't happening, not now.

"Please tell me you're lying," I whisper as my uncle comes over and looks at me. I look at him and he has a look of sadness upon his face, I can't handle it anymore.

"He died while you guys were gone, we tried calling you over and over, but we didn't know where you all where or what had happened to you," my mother says making me get mad.

"I can't be gone....He told me he wouldn't just leave," I say as I begin to break down.

"I keep my promises," I hear from behind me. I see my mother smile at me and my uncle break out laughing as I turn around and see my dad. Morgan and I both tackle him with a hug, causing him to groan in pain. He was barely able to walk and here we are tackling him.

"That is not even a funny joke after today!" I shout punching him in the arm.

"Well, I don't enjoy hearing that my daughters, nephew and family members are missing or hurt either," my dad teases looking my sister and me over. "Dang, you really got it handed to you," he teases.

"Please, I didn't crack under pressure," Morgan says showing off her battle scars.

"And what about you, getting shot while carrying my grandchild," he says to me making me smile. I was just happy he was alive and breathing.....

A/N:: Alright, one more chapter and this book is coming to a close. So, here is the real question, should I make yet another squeal to this book? OR do we leave this series at that? Please leave me a comment on what to do :)

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