Part 13

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I heard my name and didn't dare look, because it was none other than My uncle Cole. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned around to face him. He walked over with his arms crossed, trying to look big and bad as always. Lucas and my dad probably already in formed him about Alex, of course.

"Uncle Cole, what are you dong here?" I ask as Morgan and Landon join the group. Landon and Alex stood back a little, giving us a chance to talk with our family.

"I got a call that some kids were still in the school parking lot, so I came by to check it out," He says looking at me. "What happened?" He asked noticing my bandaged arm and probably a little dirty cloths.

"Nothing... Long practice," I lie, knowing he knew when I lied too.

"Morgan why don't you head home, I'll get Faith home. I want to have a talk with her about something," he says making Morgan look at me before leaving in her car. I let out a breath and know what is coming.

"Look, I know my dad said not to be ar-" I was cut off.

'Relax, I'm not going to go around telling your dad stuff that isn't my business. But you are my niece and I want you to be safe and protected. Now, I don't know these boys but I know about them, and I'm not going to tell you to stay away from them because you are 18 and can make your own choices, something your father still has to learn. But, just don't make choices you won't be happy with down the road," He says making me smile. I was so happy to have such cool uncles like him.

"Thanks Uncle Cole," I say hugging him.

"Boys, make sure she gets home safe please," He says before getting back in his car and driving off. I smile and turn toward Landon and Alex who looked shocked.

"What?" I said with a small smile.

"Is that your dads brother?" Alex asked opening his passenger door for me.

"No, you think he would be nice like that if it was?" I say getting in. I laugh as he gets in and Landon hops in the back seat and Alex takes off driving.

"He's my cool uncle, he won't tell my dad," I say making Alex look at me.

"Look, I don't want you getting in trouble with your family because of me Faith," he says making em shake my head.

"They don't have to know we are friends," I say. He makes a weird face at the word friend, but I ignore it because that is all I want right now until I know more about him.

"Yeah...How am I supposed to drop you off without them seeing?" he asked making me think. Well, usually my dad isn't even home on Thursday nights, so we should be good.

"It'll be fine, he isn't home as far as I know," I say as we pull onto my street and into my drive way. He parks and right as I open the car door my house door opens, and with my luck, it was my dad.

"Oh shit!" Landon says from the back seat. I could see the anger in my dads face too, he was not happy as he began to walk over. I hop out of the car and look at Alex.

"Just go, I got this," I say closing the door. Alex drives away just as my dad gets over to us.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him," He says making me look at him with my arms crossed.

"You can't control who I hang out with dad... Just because you work for the FBI or what ever you do, doesn't mean you can control everything. If I want to be friends with them, I will be. You can't stop me," I say in a loud voice as I walk into the house. He follows behind me kinda slamming the front door, clearly he was frustrated with me.

"I am your father, I can do what ever I want. And if I say to stay away from a boy, you will listen to me," He says making me stop and face him. He has never acted this way before, and it was bothering me.

"You don't even know him dad!" I shout back, this time I was actually shouting and I could hear Morgan walking upstairs, probably wondering what was going on.

"I know that guys like him don't belong with people like us. We have an image being a family of the FBI and  being with trouble makers like him isn't a good look," he says making me even more angry.

"Now you are judging him, just because he races cars doesn't make him a trouble maker. It means he actually has a hobby he enjoys doing and that he is good at. Just because you didn't have a child hood like ours, doesn't mean you have to stop me from having one," I shout making him pause a second. I knew that was an uncalled for comment, but I was to mad to realize what I said.

"You're grounded for a month, and next time I see you with that boy there will be worse consequence's," he says walking past me toward the kitchen. I run upstairs and slam my bedroom door, locking it behind me. I was done right now, I didn't want to be in this house anymore. We didn't have school tomorrow, and Jade invited me to a party she was going to tonight.

"Jade" I say as she picks up the phone and I throw on my favorite black party dress that I keep hidden from my parents.

"What's up girl?" She says clearly driving.

"Pick me up, we are going to that party. But park down the block, I'm sneaking out," I say hanging up the phone and grabbing my purse. I open my window, making sure the security thing had the magnet on it, which in case you are wondering makes it so that it won't be unarmed and go off so my parents won't know I am gone. See, YouTube can come in handy when you have over protective parents like mine. 

I climb down the side of the house, thanks to the tree by my window. I hit the ground and sneak around until I was to the front yard and I make a dash down the street where Jade was waiting. I was about to forget everything tonight.....

Nothing Like Us (Squeal to  ALAYLM)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя