Part 4

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"Come on, I don't bite," he says with a smile making me cross my arms.

"How do I know you aren't going to drive me out in the middle of no where and kill me? Or that you aren't some crazy stalker? I don't even know your whole name," I say proving a point. He puts his car in park and steps out, he was kinda tall. He walked over and I had to seriously look up just to see his face.

"My name's Alex Bowman, and no I am not going to kill you, or stalk you. I have better things to do with my life, I just thought you could use a ride, you left in a hurry," he says making me back up a little.

"You were watching me at school? Yup, sounds like a stalkers to me," I tease making him smile.

"I don't need to stalk people darling, they come to me," he says leaning against his car. I watch as he was focused on something behind me.

"Well, I don't like people watching me Alex, and since you are new around here.." i don't finish because he pushes himself to standing and was still focused on something behind me.

"Hey, do me a favor and get in the car," he says still looking behind me. I cross my arms and my jaw drops, did he just order me to do something. Not in this life time, I don't take orders from no one.

"Um, excuse me?" I said making him walk next to me looking at the same thing. I turn around and see another fancy car speeding our way.

"Faith, get in the car," He says as I notice the car isn't slowing down at all. Without thinking, I run to the passenger side and get in just as Alex got in and started the car. He looked over, then reached over me and buckled my seat belt and pulled it tight.

"Do you know that person?" I asked a little freaked out as the other car was getting closer.

"Hold on," He says slamming the car in reverse and I was flung forward, thankfully the seat belt locked up and I stayed in my seat. He looks behind the car to see where he is going, then he whips it around so we were going forward and speeding down the road. I was used to My dad's crazy driving and my cousins, but this was a whole new level of fast. 

"Alex?" I said trying to figure out what was happening. He then whips around a corner onto another road. The car behind us cuts through the grass and was right on our tale.

"Just a little competitor who was a little upset he lost, again," He says as he kicks the car into the next fastest gear. I look behind us and we were way ahead of the other car now. I sit back and relax, this wasn't so bad actually. I liked doing dangerous stuff to be honest, it gave me a sense of satisfaction you could say.

"Competitor in what?" I asked as he Suddenly slams on the breaks as we almost cross a busy intersection. He smiles and takes off down the high way, then onto an old dirt road. I look around, there was nothing in sight until a small arena comes into view. 

"Racing," He says as we race past all the parked cars and people working in the garages. Alex come to a sliding stop at two other cars and shuts the car off. 

"Racing, are you for real?" I asked. Alex unbuckles then looks at me.

"Stay in here until I say," he says getting out of the car as the other car drives up. I roll the window down to hear what is being said.

"I want a rematch for that race last weekend," the guy says slamming his door closed, he was a big guy, but Alex has more muscles for sure. Alex leans on the back of the car and crosses his arms with a smirk on his face.

"So I can beat you again? You really want to go through it a second time James?" Alex says making me laugh a little at how the other guy was acting. I looked around, Alex's name was all over, on signs and on some cars. He must be a big deal around here.

"So you're going to school now? What, trying to actually do something in life....Or is it because of the pretty little brunette in the car," James says as he nods at me. This kind of makes Alex mad, he stands up and uncrosses his arms.

"That girl, has nothing to do with why I am in school. Some of us actually want more than just racing for a living James, maybe you should try it, then again, you aren't very good at anything these days," Alex says in a harsh tone. Wow, these two really don't like each other. I can tell a fight is about to go down, so like any teen girl who doesn't listen well, I get out of the car and both boys look at me.

"Alex, can you take me home now?" I said trying to get the situation to end.

"I told you to stay in the car," He says to me.

"Oh, already offering to drive the lady home....Well darling, why don't you come ride with a real racer," he says making me laugh a little making them both look at me weird.

"Sorry...It's just, for one Alex just smoked your ass getting here, and you had a head start... Second, I am looking around and I see Alex on everything, not you James. So, if I want to go with a real racer, I'm sticking with Alex," I say crossing my arms. Alex smirks at me before looking at James and shrugging.

"You wait until the championship race, you're gonna wish you started racing back up," He says walking to his car and driving off. 

"You just hurt his feelings I hope you know," Alex says opening the door for me to get in. I get in and buckle up as he leans down to look at me.

"Well, he sounds like a complete ass," I say making Alex laugh as he shuts my door then gets in his seat and drives. What else is this boy hiding? 

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