Part 44

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The rest of the week flew past and it was currently Friday afternoon and we were getting ready for practice. We all knew we were going to be worked to death today, as punishment of course for the fight a few days ago. I don't see why WE are being punished for something THEY started, seems a little unfair to me.

"Ready for that dance tomorrow?" Alex said as I walked out of the locker room, making me jump of course.

"Geez Alex," I say as he laugh and walks toward the gym with me.

"Sorry, I figured you would have seen me standing there," he jokes making me roll my eyes in a joking way.

"Yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be a good night," I say as we reach the doors. He knew it was a closed practice and couldn't go in. I leaned up and kissed him before going in the gym where coach was already lining the girls up for suicide runs. I rushed over to my place in the front and waited.

"Alright ladies, I want to see you push yourselves. Anyone who doesn't touch the line each time, we will start over. I have all night, so don't test me," she says blowing the whistle. We all start with a slow jog and work our way faster and faster.

After having to restart several times, thanks to the freshman who can't handle this kind of thing, we were finally finished after two hours of the suicide runs. I was legit dying at this point. Usually I had no problem doing these, but I was so tired and about to just cash out right now. We changed back into cloths and I drank at least three bottles of water before even hitting the parking lot.

"Faith wait up," Lucas says running up to me from the direction of the football field. I stop and wait for him, not that I would get far because my legs were about to give out on me.

"Good, give me a piggy back ride," I say making him laugh. He bends down and I get on his back and he makes his way toward my truck.

"Those runs got ya?" he jokes making me groan.

"Yeah, two hours because the freshman fail! I don't know, usually I am fine afterwards but not this time," I say making him shrug.

"That's weird," he says as he sets me down next to my truck.

"What are you doing at school so late?" I ask as I look at the time, it was 6pm already.

"Football got done at 5, and I wanted to talk to you about something," he says making me sit down in my truck with the door open to talk to him.

"About what?" I asked drinking some more water.

"My mom," he says making me look at him, but he was probably not meaning what I thought.

"Allie? Yeah, what about her?" I asked closing my water.

"No, Lisa," he says making me almost spit the water out.

"Why? She's irrelevant," I say making hi shrug.

"I know that, but don't you want to know what she is doing back too?" he asked. I mean, it was weird she shows up right when my mom gets sick and all this other stuff. It could also just be bad timing on her part to finally show her face again, who knows.

"Lucas, your dad already said she wouldn't do that. There's nothing more to say about it, Lisa is just a person. She's not important to anyone, she just caused problems for your dad and our whole family in the past. Why would you even want to know anything about that woman?" I asked him. I watched as he just looked at the ground and was focused on something.

"She's my mom, I mean, I want to know my REAL mom too. Just because she was an addict back then, doesn't mean she is one now! Maybe she has changed and wants to try and be a part of my life," he says making me shake my head.

"People like that don't change Lucas, she won't ever change. She might say she has, but trust me, people can't change," I say to him. As soon as I do, I see that a car drives away from the parking lot. It was to dark to see who it was and right now I didn't care.

"You're right," he says walking away.

"That's not what I meant Lucas," I say knowing I just upset him. I groan as I watch him drive away. I close my truck door and drive home, because I was tired and now upset with myself.

When I got home, the smell of food being made got my stomach turning. I dropped my bag at the bottom of the stairs and walked to the kitchen where my Aunt was finishing making dinner. I forgot that my dad had Aunt Allie, Lucas and Cam staying here until he could be back home or my mom was home.

"Hey sweetie, how was practice?" Allie asked me making me groan and take a seat at the table. Right when I did, Ice comes running over and I pet him.

"It was horrible, my legs feel like they are about to fall off," I say making her laugh as she calls Cam and Morgan in for dinner. I can hear the two arguing over video games in the upstairs family room, figures.

"Well, it's done and over with now," she says making me smile a little. "Oh, have you seen Lucas dear?" she asked me.

"Yeah, football practice was going on still," I lie to her. I knew I shouldn't lie, but Lucas needed time to think.

"Alright," She says as the other two walk in and dig into the food.

Saturday night, time for the dance we have been waiting for. I smiled as Lilly, Morgan and I all are getting ready in my room. The boys were down stairs waiting for us all, which they are complaining about of course. It was Morgan's first time being able to go, she was excited. I told her it was always an amazing night, she was going to love it. The fact that Landon actually agreed to go to an event that wasn't for HIS school, was even better.

"Let's go," I say as we walk downstairs. Lilly was in a cute Aqua dress with lace on it, it fitted her curves perfectly. Then there was Morgan, she had on a cute black dress that was kinda of tight, but hey, you have to live a little sometimes. Then there was my dress, it was white, the bottom was that thin lace stuff that made it look rather puffy and then there was a band of diamonds that went just below my chest all the way around. Followed by a sweetheart neck line above it. We all looked amazing in my opinion, but I guess we had to wait to see the boys reaction.

"You too forever," Lilly's dad teases. I watched as Landon and Morgan talked and Morgan was blushing, which made me smile. I was so focused on everyone else I didn't notice Alex was standing beside me.

"Come on pretty lady, are you trying to make me murder every guy that looks at you tonight," he teases making me smile. Tonight was going to be fun and amazing, that was for sure.......

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