Part 54

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It's been two days since Alex woke up, and he was still in so much pain. It killed me seeing him like this, but I guess it was better than him being dead. I was so happy to know that he was awake and on the process of healing. His dad was twice as happy, and Landon was super excited that his 'brother' was alright.

"Knock, Knock," Morgan says from the door of Alex's room. I was just sitting in bed with Alex as we watched some stupid movies on the TV. Next thing I know, two little girls are jumping at the side of the bed.

"Alex!" Kelsey shouts making Alex smile. I pull both girls up on the bed, Kelsey sat between us, and Kara sat on my lap clinging to me. She didn't like hospitals clearly, and I know seeing her brother like this wasn't helping.

"I'm alright, see," Alex says lifting his arm and swinging it, clearly in pain but not showing it to the girls.

"Kara just dug her face deeper in my hair to hide. I shrug at Alex and he talks with Kelsey for awhile about how her days have been.

"I saw daddy the other day," Kelsey says playing with her dolls hair. This got Alex, Morgan, and mines attention real fast.

"You saw dad?" Alex asked. She shook her head and continued to focus on her doll.

"Where baby?" I asked her moving some hair behind her ear.

"He was at our school," Kara adds in, with her soft voice.

"Are you sure?" Alex says sounding worried.

"Yeah, he was mad because the teacher wouldn't let us go with him. She said something about mama Talia telling them she or lilly, or chase or papa Josh could pick us up. Then Mr. Lowell pulled him out because he was yelling," Kelsey says like it was no big deal. I know the twins have no idea how bad the situation is, all they know is they aren't allowed to see their mom or dad, but they don't know why. Kara does, she was clearly more effected than anyone about this issue.

"Did you tell Mama Talia?" I ask her.

"No, it happened today and Morgan picked us up from school today. So I haven't seen her," Kelsey says making me upset.

"Morgan, how about you take the twins to see Mama Cass, she would love to see these beautiful faces," I say making the twins excited. They loved my mother, it was like their second mom. We waited until Morgan was out of the room with the girls.

"How did he find them? We switched their schools," I say making Alex sit up a little, hissing in pain.

"I don't know, but I have to talk to your dad about it. I don't want them in school if he can come near them," he says making me agree.

"Alright, I have to run home to let Ice and Cooper out anyways, and I am sure he is at the house right now. I think they got the lab back today on those third finger prints," I say kissing his head.

"Be careful please," he says to me then touches my stomach. That was an everyday thing now, he would rub my stomach when ever I would sit next to him. He was excited about this baby, and that was the best feeling ever. I kissed him before I left toward my car.

I got to my house and my dogs were excited to finally see me home for a change. I let them out, even though my dad and uncles were home.

"Hey you dorks," I greet them as I walk in. They were all sitting in the kitchen looking tired.

"We got the prints back," my dad says looking at me. I get a little excited, we are finally on to something.

"And?" I ask waiting for them to answer.

"The match came back as Jack's... and Nick," uncle TJ added in making my heart stop. I can understand the Jack thing, but Nick?

"You said it was only one set of prints," I say confused.

"We found another one the other day and got it tested Faith... The lab doesn't lie," my dad says as the dogs begin barking like crazy. We ignore it, because they bark at runners all the time, just because it was someone they didn't know and they are protecting the house.

"So arrest them," I say like it was no big deal.

"We called the school, they haven't showed up since the accident," my dad says to me again. This time Cooper let out a bark, and it was not his normal bark. It was an alert bark, warning someone they were crossing the property line and it was an alert to us.

"Faith, go out the back. Take the dogs with you and get out of here. TJ will be right behind you," my dad says taking out his gun from his back pocket. Cole and Josh do the same as they split up in the house. TJ pulls me with him to the back of the house, looking out the back door and motioning for me to go out. I slowly go out and stay close to the house, looking around the corner of the side before going on.

"Keep going," TJ say from behind me. I take a deep breath and look around the front of the house, there was at least three huge SUV's sitting there and a few guys walking into the house. I Jump when Cooper comes up to my side from behind. TJ covers my mouth so I don't let out any give aways, because the dog seriously scared the crap out of me.

"Where's Ice?" I asked worried about the puppy. I heard him bark from inside the house, he was still trying to make the guys back away. Cooper was trained to protect Morgan and I only, my dad was never worried about himself or my mom as much.

"Go, now," TJ says as I make a run for it. Cooper takes off ahead of me and toward the truck. I was running and suddenly tackled to the ground. I roll to the side and my uncle was quick to pull him off and they get in a fight an the gun is across the yard now.

"GO!" TJ says as he holds the guy back. I push myself to my feet and make another run toward my truck, I see another guy coming at me.

"ICE!" I shout in hopes he would actually listen for once. I hear his collar jingling as he dashes across the yard and jumps and takes a hold of the guys arm making him stop a moment. Cooper was next to attack, biting his leg making him go down. This gave me enough time to jump in the truck.

"COOPER, ICE, COME!" I shout driving away. Ice was fast and jumped in the moving truck in my door, I had left it open knowing they would keep up. Cooper was old though, and he wasn't going to be able to keep up. I slowed up and seen a guy jump in his car and come toward us.

"Come on Coop," I say to myself as I keep going. Suddenly Cooper gets a dash of energy and jumps in. I slam the door shut and take off, the SUV right behind me........

Nothing Like Us (Squeal to  ALAYLM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin