Part 41

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I watched as Jase was digging through his toy box, excitement all over his face to have someone there with him who wasn't going to poke him with needles. It brought a smile to my face seeing him so carefree, just forgetting he was sick for awhile.

"Faith be a superhero with me!" he shouts while handing me a cape. I smiled, because it matched his perfectly. I carefully tied the red cape around my neck and pulled my hair into a high pony tail before applying they black mask to go with it. I helped Jase get his over his breathing tubes and then I smiled.

"This calls for a picture," I say as I pull out my phone. Jase climbs on my back and I hold him securely with one hand while I snap a few selfies with the other.

"I wanna fly!" he shouts as I drop my phone on the bed and run around the room with him on my back, both of us laughing like crazy.

"Should I come back later?" Morgan says from the doorway with a smile. As soon as Jase seen what was in her hand, he jumped back onto the bed and clapped his little hands.

"You got Pizza!" he shouts making me laugh as Morgan brings the box over and sets it on the table.

"Of course, I know it's your favorite," she says giving him a hug. Morgan was just as much a part of Jase's life as I was, we were all he had.

"Thanks Morgan," I whisper as I help get Jase a slice of the yummy looking pizza.

"Oh I brought a few extras," Morgan says as Alex and Landon walk into the room. Jase looks up and just stares at them for a moment, he does't like new people around him. I think he is that way mainly because he is used to people leaving him, so why would he want to meet new people just for them to walk out later.

"Hey guys," I say as I prepare more plates for this full room. Alex and Landon take a seat on the floor with the rest of us. Jase was sitting between Morgan and I, just staring at the two boys.

"Hey buddy," Alex says in a sweet tone, the one he uses with his sisters.

"Where did you get that scar?" Jase says pointing to the one on his arm. Alex had told me weeks ago, it was from a small mishap while racing. His arm got caught in the steering wheel in a practice lap and it jerked his arm and ended up slicing it.

"Racing," Alex says with a half smile now. Jase's face lights up at the word, he loved watching race cars and any type of things to do with cars. It was a thing he shared with his dad who had passed away years ago before his mom left him here.

"You race?" Jase says in amazement as he crawls over so he was sitting between Alex and I now. Alex smiles and so does Landon.

"We both do buddy," Alex says pointing to Landon.

"No way! That is Sooooooooo cool," Jase says with a huge smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Landon adds to the conversation. Morgan and I just sit back and listen to how the three interact with each other, it was like they have known each other forever.

"Do you win a lot?" Jase asked as he slowly and secretly tried to move to sit on Alex's lap. He was just little, he loved to be held still.

"Well, I am on the top of the leaders board dude. So all I have to do is win the big race," Alex says picking him up and holding him. Jase looks at him with pure happiness now.

"I hope you win, because you're cool....Faith, can I watch the race?" Jase asked making me die a little inside. Jase was not allowed to leave the hospital due to his breathing tubes and other such things, and I hated telling him no to these things when he asks.

"Aw bud, I wish you could. You know what the nurse told you tho," I say making him frown.

"Just one time!" he says being demanding. I gave him a sad look and shook my head, his face showed pure sadness.

"Jase did you....Oh, looks like you got a special meal tonight," the nurse says as she walks in to do her daily check on him. Jase glares at her and buries his face in Alex's shoulder.

"I don't want to get poked!" Jase shouts in a muffled voice. I stand up and pick up Jase and hold him tight. He hated this part of the day , but it had to be done.

"Come on buddy, it's just a quick poke," I say trying to hold him still while the nurse cleans the spot where she is going to put the shot.

"No!" he shouts as he wiggles around in my arms, I lose my grip on him and try to control him. With fail attempts, I finally look to Alex for help. Alex stands up and holds Jase, and right away he calms down a little.

"Listen buddy, you have to get the shot... How about, if you let her poke you real fast, I will get you to that race," Alex whispers to him. Jase nods and holds still while the nurse gives him the shot. After she was done she leaves and we pack up our stuff to go as well. Jase was already in bed asleep, the shot was to help him sleep through the chemo they give him at night. After the room is cleaned, we walk out and to the parking lot.

"You shouldn't make promises to him that won't happen," I say to Alex as we trail behind the others.

"Who says it won't happen?" he says with a smirk.

"Look at him Alex, he can't leave his room let alone go out of the hospital," I say making him smile.

"We already got it planned, Morgan walked to your mom and she worked some things out. Jase will be attending the race with several nurses to watch over him," he says making me smile and hug him.

"You're really amazing did you know that?" I say making him laugh. As we walked toward his car, a wave of nausea came over me and I became very dizzy. I stumbles a little, luckily Alex grabbed me before I walked into a nearby car.

"Are you alright?" he asked as I felt like puking my guts out. What was going on with me lately?

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