Part 24

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Everyone is over, of course my uncles gave Landon and Alex the third degree. Actually, they ended up really liking them, so that was a bonus for Morgan and I. Kara and Kelsey were laughing and having a good old time with so many people around, and my family loved kids, and we haven't had any since Morgan. So having them around made everyone a little brighter.

"Faith, a word please," My dad said as soon as he walked into the house. Everyone looked at him and then me, because he didn't even say hi to anyone, which was strange.

"Want me to come?" Alex whispered as I got up from the ground where we were sitting in the living room. I shake my head and follow my dad upstairs to my room.

"What's up?" I say closing my door. He has a paper in his hand and looks at me.

"Care to explain why you spent over $600 today on children cloths and toys?" he asked. Shit, I totally forgot he tracked what I spend.

"About that," I begin but I could tell he was already upset about it.

"We give you this money for emergencies," he says. Here it comes, the lecture part of the talk.

"Can you just let me talk!" I say freaking out because I was frustrated already because of the situation with Alex and the twins. Just thinking about it has me in teats already. As soon as my dad seen the tears he became a teddy bear and got down to eye level with me.

"Alright baby, what's going on?" he says really concerned right now. I wipe my eyes and take a few breaths before I am calmed down enough to talk.

"Last night, Alex called me and he sounded upset and frustrated. So I went to Landon's house because Alex said he was there, but when I got there he wasn't there but his sisters were. Landon asked if I could keep them for the night, because his place isn't good for kids, so they stayed here," I begin, he didn't look mad about that.

"Alright, helping a friend out, I understand," He says.

"So I brought them over and they loved it here, they don't have this all at home. Alex's mom is sick, and she can't care for them, so Alex races for that money. He doesn't just do it as a hobby like you think, he does it strictly for that money to buy food and cloths for his sisters. Anyways, his step dad, the twins dad, got in a argument with Alex last night and that's how the girls ended up here," I say pausing again to let him sink all that information.

"That still doesn't explain the money," he says in a more calm tone.

"I took the girls shopping today for new cloths and toys, because I some how feel like I owe it to them because I grew up with anything and everything, and they have nothing," I say wiping my eyes again as I get to the sad part.

"It's a good thing you've done, you're a good lady for doing that. But they have a dad, he can do that for them," he says making me break down totally now.

"I need your help, Alex needs your help," I say making my dad look at me as he pulls me into a hug. I go on to tell him everything that was said in this room a few hours ago, about how Kara admitted her dad threatened her and the bruises.

"We will take care of it baby, don't worry," He says as Morgan opens the door.

"Mom said dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for you two," she says with a small smile as she walks away. I wipe my eyes and calm down before my dad and I walk downstairs.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting," dad says as we take out seats. I sit next to Alex on one side of me and Kara on the other, with Kelsey next to her.

After a long dinner, everyone slowly leave the house one by one. Landon was outside on the deck talking to Morgan, Kara and Kelsey were fast asleep on the floor in the living room cuddled with Cooper and Ice. Alex was standing with me in the kitchen as my mom and dad said goodbye to my uncle Rylee and aunt Raelynn, along with Lilly and Chase.

"What did your dad talk to you about?" Alex says in a low voice so no one heard.

"Why I dropped $600 today," I say making Alex give me a shocked look.

"$600!!!! That is way to much, I will pay you back," He says in a panic. I laugh and shake my head.

"Nope, no money back," I say as my dad and mom walk over. My dad looks at me and then Alex with his hands in his pockets. My mother was leaning into his side, something they always did when they stand by each other.

"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Johnson, I know the twins had a fun day," He says motioning to the two little sleeping girls. My mother laughs a little and looks at him.

"We haven't had kids around since Morgan was little, we enjoyed it trust me," she says making me smile a little.

"Well, we better get them home," Alex says making me frown.

"Wait a second kid," My dad speaks up making Alex turn back toward him. "Let them sleep, they are always welcomed to stay here.... I'm told that you have a situation at home?" my dad says making Alex tense up a little. I stand by his side, holding on hand, and using my free hand to rub his back in a calming motion.
"I'm handling it," Alex says making my heart break a little. My dad shakes his head a little and looks at him with the same look he give Morgan or I when we are in pain, the hurting dad look.

"You don't have to explain anything to me Alex....Faith already filled me in, we wanna help. Kara and Kelsey need help, if it was my daughters in the situation I would do the same. Please, let us help you," he says. My dad's station can't do anything unless the crime is reported by someone in the home, if Alex doesn't agree then he will be stuck in the same spot.

"Alex," I whisper to him making him look up at my dad finally.

"Alright....I don't care what you do, I don't want him in my house, or around my sisters," Alex says getting mad again talking about it.

"Tomorrow we will bump it up to our top priority list..." dad says as him and mom go to go upstairs. "Oh...and you are welcomed to stay here as well, in the guest bedroom of course," He says walking up stairs behind my mother to their wing of the house.

"Thank you Faith," he says kissing my head as he walks over and sits on the couch looking at his sisters. Hopefully they will be free after this is all over, now the only thing to worry about is this surprise race this weekend......

Nothing Like Us (Squeal to  ALAYLM)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora