Part 6

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Pulling into the school parking lot I rush into the building with my gym bag. Of course Morgan was running late to soccer practice so I was late to volleyball. One thing I hated about her not being ablet to drive yet, I had to bring her everywhere. Thank goodness after this weekend she will be able to have her own car and drive. 

"You're a little late there Johnson," Lilly says as she pulls her knee pads on in the locker room as I throw my cloths off and replace them with our volleyball shirt and a pair of spandex.

"Tell me about it," I say as we both walk out to the gym together. Don't get me wrong, I love volleyball and all, but sometimes being captain gets stressful. I smile as I see the whole team is already doing their warm ups. This team is like a family to me, we stick together no matter what and always work together to get things done. The seniors on the team are: Me, Lilly, Lisa, Jade, Callie, Jacey, Kayla, and Aubrey. All the others are juniors who like to keep to themselves.

"Alright ladies line up," I shout as Lilly and I stand in front of them all. Lilly was my co-captain, incase something happened and I couldn't make it or got injured.

"Looking good girls," Lilly says with a smile.

"Alright, we have our first round of the championship this Thursday, and we need to take home a win to move up the bracket. We need another win this year, half the team are seniors now, we need to make the last year count," I say making them all cheer and get excited.

"Faith, we have company," Aubrey says looking toward the bleachers. I look voer my shoulder and sure enough, Megan Grasman and Kennidi Huizinga where walking in with their stupid pink clothes and matching everything. I hated them, they were like the definition of queen bitches.

"Lilly, get the girls in teams and work a game. I will handle this," I say walking toward the two queen B's.

"How you became captain of something still baffles me to this day Johnson," Megan says with that high pitched voice of hers. I cross my arms and smile, she was the captain of the cheer team and runs one of the dance teams as well. Callie is on the other dance team when she isn't in volleyball, but her team didn't have enough members to do competitions.

"Well Grasman, some of us actually work hard and earn the spot, not have our parents buy it for us," I say making her glare at me. Yup, Megan's mom and dad were loaded like my parents. The onlt difference, I don't need my parents to buy me things, I like to earn them myself. which is what I did, you think I just got the captain spot because I slacked off and did nothing. No, I earned it with a lot of hard work over the years, something Megan doesn't know.

"Someone is just mad that my parents actually have money," she says. No one at this school knew my parents were rich, because we didn't act like we had everything unlike Megan. I know we have nice trucks, but that doesn't give away that we are rich. A lot of kids have nice cars here, and as for our house, the only people who know where I live are family, and now Alex.

"This is a closed practice, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," I say making her smirk.

"You don't own the gym," she says crossing her arms. She was starting to get on my nerves and I hated getting mad at people.

"Closed means closed ladies," A familiar voice says from behind me. I smile when I see Megan and Kennidi's faces.

"Lucas, please show the ladies out," I say walking back to the team giving Lucas and smirk as I do. I can hear them arguing and then the doors closing.

"Lucas always shows up at the right times," Lilly says as I get into the game.

After practice is over and we have all changed, I was walking out to my car when someone called my name from behind.

"Faith wait!" Callie yelled from behind me. I stopped and waited as she ran to catch up with me and we walked together.

"What's up Callie?" I asked as we got to my truck and Morgan was sitting inside waiting already listening to her I-pod.

"I know you are busy and everything, but I could really use some more members on my dance team," she begs me. I loved dancing don't get me wrong, but ever since I was little I stopped dancing. I just couldn't do it, I got nervous once we hit the stage. All practices I was fine, until we had a room full of people watching us, then I would tank.

"Callie, I really can't," I say making her frown.

"I just, I really want to actually be able to compete and follow my moms footsteps," she said. Callie's mom died a few years back, she was an award winning dancer and wanted Callie to take after her. Callie has been trying so hard, but no one will join the team and when they do, they aren't good dancers at all. 

"Let me think about it," I say making her have a little hope in her eyes.

"Thank you," She says before walking off to her own car. I get in the truck and throw my bag in the back as Morgan looks at me.

"Are you going to join the dance team?" she asked. I should have known she was listening to the conversation, she always did that. I start the truck and let out a breath.

"I don't know," I whisper before driving off.

When we get home, I took a shower and then just laid on my bed. I heard my laptop ding and I grabbed it. I opened it and it lite up my room as I clicked on my facebook. I noticed I had a friend request and a message. I looked, it was Alex so I accepted the request then looked at the message he sent me.

"Dance is something special.... I heard you used to be good at it when you were little, now's your Chance to shine," ~Alex

I smile and thought about what I should say back.

"How do you know I used to do dance? Or that I was asked to join a dance team for that matter Bowman?" ~Faith

"I have eyes and ears everywhere darling... Think of me as your guardian angel ;)" ~Alex

"That is taking me back to my point of you being a stalker Alex, not a good trait. But if you knew about my dancing past, then you would know why I don't do it anymore :)" ~Faith

"Minor set backs, you probably grew out of stage fright. It would be a good chance to show Megan who the better person is," ~Alex

"Goodnight Alex," ~Faith

Smiling I close my laptop and lay back down. How does he know all that?

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