Part 25

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Of course after an hour after everyone went to sleep, my parents both got called into work. Nothing new to this house though, it's just we have a few extra guests. We ended up carrying the twins up to the spare bedroom next to my room and Alex took the one down the hall from my room, dads orders of course.

I couldn't fall asleep after everything that went on today, from the park to the dinner. The buzzing of my phone made me jump as I was deep in thought.

"I can't sleep" ~Alex

"Me either, to much on my mind :(" ~Faith

 "Don't stress about it babe, it is what it is," ~Alex

 "I can't help but stress, I seen this stuff at the kids hospital. Seeing it happen to someone I know, it hurts a lot," ~Faith

I waited for a text back, but after two minutes nothing. Placing my phone on my night stand I look at the ceiling. I hear my door open and I look, Alex slowly walked in, closing the door behind him and walking over.

"You're crazy," I whisper as he climbs into my bed and pulls me to him. I lay my head on his chest and he puts an arm around me.

"I was thinking about it too," He whispers letting out a sigh.

"Please don't worry Alex, my dad is going to put him in jail for good," I say kissing his chest, and yes, he was shirtless.

"I don't know how I didn't see this happening, why Kara was always scared of people and so silent. I should have seen the signs and because I didn't, people I love were getting hurt," he says squeezing me a little tighter as he vented.

"I know, but you can't beat yourself up over it. What is done is done, you just have to move on and help the girls see that not everyone will hurt them. Tonight was good for them, they got along with every single person in the house," I say with a small smile on my face.

"Yeah, but it's because I was with them, if I was gone they would have been terrified and silent. They know when I am here, I will protect them," he says as I listen to the sound of his heart beat.

"Everything will be alright," I say as I was slowly drifting off to sleep. I couldn't help it, the sound of his heart beat was music to my ears.

"Goodnight Faith," he whispers kissing the top of my head as I fall asleep.

Waking up in the morning to the sound of a camera going off, is probably one of the most shocking things that has happened in my life. I open my eyes and see Alex was still in my bed, the same spots we were in last night. He was still fast asleep, which is good because he needed the rest.

"Morgan Anne!" I whisper shout as she was looking at her phone, which she just used to snap a picture of Alex and I.

"oh come on, it's adorable," she says running out of the room. I shake my head and go to get up, but Alex had an arm around my waist still and there was no getting out of his hold.

"Alex, I have to get up," I whisper to him making him groan a little. Silly boy, he was awake this whole time. I go to get up again and he pulls me closer to him, with a smile creeping up on his face.

"No, I like the warm," He says suddenly rolling us over so he was laying on top of me. He opens his eyes and looks down at me with a cute smile. This playful side of Alex is new to me, and I love it.

"Well, I have to get up and feed my dogs," I say making him frown.

"Morgan already fed them," He says with a smirk.

"And how do you know?" I ask wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me.

"Because I heard the twins asking to help," He says kissing my nose. Grabbing his face with both my hands, I pull it close to mine and smile.

"Is that so?" I say making him look at me intensely. I move in for a kiss and then as soon as he leans in I kiss his cheek and slide from under him to the floor. He groans and falls on the bed.

"You are such a tease!" he shouts throwing a pillow at me as I laugh going out of the room. Walking downstairs I see that My dad was home.

"What are you doing home?" I asked as Alex comes down the stairs behind me, thankfully he threw a shirt on.

"We picked up your step dad this morning Alex.... You mother however paid his bail already and he is no where to be found," my dad says making Alex tense up.

"How did she pay his bail?" Alex said a little mad.

"She showed up with the $8,000 we put up," he said making Alex get really heated.

"Faith can you give me a ride home please?" he said not making eye contact with me.

"Sure," I say grabbing my keys.

"Alex we will find him," my dad says. My dad always finds people, so I have no doubt he will.

"I just need to talk to my mom," Alex says walking out the door. I quickly follow behind him as we get in my truck and drive. It was silent and awkward.

"Alex?" I say looking at him as he was taking deep breaths trying to control his anger.

"That was all the money we had left in the bank, every cent that I got from work and racing, she used to get that ass out of jail," He says as I stop in his drive way and he gets out of the truck before I put it in park.

"ALEX!" I shout getting out of the truck and running after him, he was already inside.

"You spent all our money!" I hear him shout. I walk in and see him standing in the kitchen and his mother as well. The first time I've met her and this is how it is. Looking at her, she was very ill, and I could tell that by her looks.

"I love him!" she says back in a weak voice. She wasn't sick though, I knew that voice and those looks, she was an addict. Things just took a big twist in this relationship with all the lies.

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