Part 51

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My heart was pounding as I followed the doctor down several hallways and down some stairs to the ICU where Alex was being prepared for surgery. The doctor wouldn't tell me why he needed me, and it honestly scared the hell out of me. Something must have happened between the crash and now, because it was never a good thing when you are needed in the ICU already.

"He refuses to go into surgery without seeing you," the doctor finally says as we approach a door.

"He's awake?" I say in a cracking voice as more tears spill, but ones of relief now, knowing he was awake.

"Barely, and if we don't hurry he won't make it," he says opening the door where there were nurses and doctors rushing around getting ready. I looked over at Alex, they had his shirt cut off. Blood was all over and he still have the breathing mask on. I slowly walked over and his eyes were closed and his chest was barely moving up and down.

"Alex..." I said taking his hand and closing my eyes. I heard a gasp for breath and I open my eyes. He was looking back at me, eyes barely opened. I felt hi squeeze my hand back and then slowly use his other hand to take the mask off his face.

"You need that!" the nurse says but Alex waves her off as I lean closer for him to walk. Tears streaming down my face at this point, because I haven't cried enough this month.

"I didn't mean what I said, none of it," he says taking a second to breath. "I said it because I was upset and mad....I would never use you, you mean everything to me," he says closing his eyes and the heart monitor starts making a loud beeping sound.

"Alex..." I say shaking him a little. I begin to panic as the nurses pull me away and I fight to get back to Alex.

"Get her out and get the doctors ready," someone shouts as they rush around Alex. I was dragged out and put into someones arms, and they held me back now as the nurses went back to the room.

"Let me go!" I shout not knowing who was even holding me.

"Faith stop," Lucas says tightening his grip on me. I settle down and let myself fall into him.

"He needs to be okay," I whisper as I close my eyes.

"I got a call...Is it true?" a familiar voice says from behind us. Lucas Lets me go as I stand up and face the voice, Alex's father. He was able to walk with the help of a walker now.

"Mr. Bowman," I say trying to control my crying.

"How bad is it?" he asked walking closer to me, I meet him half way.

"It's not good," I say with a new set of tears coming. His dad looks at me and then suddenly, he pulls me into a hug. I can hear him holding back his own tears.

"Faith," James voice says behind us. I look up and James was there, he got his arm in a cast now and is all patched up.

"How do you have the nerve to show your face here?" Landon said from behind me next to Lucas. Lucas just looked plain out confused at what this was. He didn't know about all the racing stuff going on.

"I already told you, I didn't have a part in this," James says in a calm voice.

"Like hell you didn't," Landon begins but is cut off.

"Enough Landon, look," he says motioning to the cast James was sporting. "Why would he put himself int he cross fire? Clearly someone didn't want either of them to win, so don't accuse people," Mr Bowman says making Landon cross his arms and just glare at James.

"Mr. Bowman," James nods awkwardly. "I know you know I don't like your son and we aren't friends, but I would never pull a move like my dad did. I consider Alex like a brother still, even if I don't say or act like it. You guys where there when things were rough for me, I would never do this to Alex. I was honestly going to have a clean race for once," James confesses making us all look surprised.

"I know James....." Mr. Bowman says holding out his hand to him. James looks at it for a moment, then he takes it with his good hand and they shake hands.

"We found something," Uncle TJ says walking over to us.

"What?" Lucas asked as we all walk toward the private room again, slowly of course for Alex's dad to keep up.

"We looked over the car, and there was a few things missing, and then they had something attached to drop at a certain time to blow the tires, knowing Alex would try to break and the breaks were cut. Luckily because James crashed into Alex, it pushed the metal back to where we could see where it all was placed and we can get prints. They are int he lab now and we should know who did it by tomorrow," TJ says making me a little happier than before.

"Probably the same asshole who tried killing aunt Cass," Lucas says mad. We get to the room and everyone, and I mean everyone was there. Uncle TJ, Cole, and Josh, Aunt Allie, Molly, and Talia. Morgan, Landon, Lucas, Cameron, Lilly, Chase, Bentley, Ryder, the twins.

"We haven't told the twins yet, they have no idea what is going on," Lilly said as the twins sat with my Aunt Talia.

"Faith, your mother wants to talk to you," my dad said as he goes over some papers with my uncles. I walk out of the room and down a few rooms, till I reach the room my mother was in. I look in the door and see she was sitting up in bed looking at me.

"When were you going to tell me?" she said in a hurt voice. I walk in and over to her bed.

"About Alex? I figured you heard already," I say making her look at me weird again.

"Not that....." she said making my heart stop. I haven't told anyone that yet, but how could I forget, she was a doctor and had accuse to that shit.

"Because I haven't told anyone yet, I wanted to talk about it with Alex and now I can't," I say bursting into tears. My mother pulls my arm until I was on the bed and she was holding me tight.

"He will be okay baby, and you both will be fine," she whispers to me as we sit there, for god knows how long. I just wanted Alex to be okay, and I wanted this nightmare to end.....

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