Part 28

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I coughed as water and mud covered my face, the fall made both of us stop to recover. I seen that he was trying to get up in the slippery mud, and I started crawling toward the pavement part of the ground. I felt him grab my ankle and pull me back through the mud, it was a constant battle like this until he hit me again making me roll to the side. I was cooled, wet, muddy, and hurting, no fight left in me.

I took one last attempt to get out from under him, this time worked. Only because someone grabbed my arms and pulled me up while someone else tackled Jack tot he muddy ground. I looked to see who was helping me up, it was Landon. He swung one of my arms around his shoulders and then placed one hand behind my back and another behind my legs as he picked me up and carried me away from where Jack and Alex were now in a full blown fight.

Landon rushed me into the garage where the car was already parked again. Carefully setting me on the bench laying down he rushed to Alex's normal driving mustang and pulled out a sweatshirt and a blanket. I was shivering and forgot about my pain because I was so cold.

"Landon go take care of his ass," Alex says walking into the garage all muddy now as Landon run back outside into the rain.

"Here," he says pulling me up to but the sweatshirt on me. I let out a small scream of pain when my ribs move. Panicking Alex lays me back down.

"My stomach," I say not even remembering the hits to my face. Alex seemed to notice, he took the sweatshirt and wiped some mud of my face and arms. He looked twice as mad as I've ever seen him before.

"Alex!" I hear my mom's voice running up. Alex was to focused on me to hear her until she was standing next to us.

"Landon called, we got here as soon as she went missing," she says hovering over me. She was doing all her medical crap and all I was focused on was my breathing, that was becoming harder and harder.

"Something's wrong with her stomach... I tried sitting her up and she screamed," Alex says moving some hair out of my face. I started to panic as the pain increased and my breathing slowed.

"Mom?" Morgan said behind everyone scared clearly.

"Get him in the damn car!" My dad shouts as I turn my head to see my Uncle TJ pushing Jack into the back of a cop car. My dad runs over and talks to my mom as they both freak out. In that time, I faded in and out of darkness.

"Her head is bleeding," I hear Morgan say in tears as I struggle to stay awake. I hear the ambulance pull up and then more people around me. Alex never let go of my hand.

"We can only take one person," My mom says, since she was already going to be there since she was a doctor.

"Alex, you go... we will meet you guys there," My dad says pulling Morgan with him to his truck. The medics wheel me into the ambulance and Alex stays with me.

"Stay awake babe," he says as they put a breathing mask on me. Last thing I remember was my mom yelling some things and a beeping noise before I passed out.

I woke a few hours later to a silent hospital room, in the upper level because the room was huge and it was just me in it. Having a doctor for a mom has advantages.

"Ouch," I say touching my head.

"Yeah you hit your head pretty good," Lucas says sitting next to my bed. I jump a little, not knowing he was there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked remembering everyone who was at the garage.

"Alex is asleep," he nods to the sofa where, Alex was indeed asleep. He was still in muddy cloths.

"What time is it?" I ask sitting up in pain.

"Easy tiger, you have a broken rib.... It's 3 in the morning," he says making me look at him shocked.

"Where's my parents?" I asked trying to not focus on the pain.

"Your mom had a call for an emergency patient, your dad is taking care of Jack, and Morgan is currently at home. Your dad had Landon take her home to sleep because she was so worked up about you being hurt," He says making me feel bad.

"I should have stayed closer to Landon at the race," I say making Lucas chuckle his fake laugh.

"You shouldn't be at those races at all, and this just proved my point to begin with," He says making me mad. Should have known Lucas would bring it up, he has hated Alex since he started at our school.

"Lucas seriously I am not in the mood for this talk," I say looking at him with a mean look.

"If you want to live life having people after you all the time then go for it," Lucas says making me mad, and you could tell because my heart monitor was beeping like crazy.

"That's enough Lucas," Alex's voice says from next to me. He had woken up and was by my side.

"I don't need your comments, it's my cousin," Lucas says standing up.

"Faith can make her own choices, I already told her about my life and she made her choice. You don't control her," he says in a protective way.

"So you're just going to let her keep getting hurt because you..." He is cut of by my dad's voice this time.

"Lucas, enough... You don't know half of Alex's life or the reason he does things. I suggest you leave now, Faith need her rest," He says making Lucas mad, but he leaves anyways.

"Thanks dad," I say as he walks over. Alex was holding my hand once again like he was at the garage.

"How you feeling?" He asks feeling my forehead.

"I want to go home," I say making him laugh a little.

"Alright you little warrior, I will talk to the nurses and see what we can do," he says walking back out of the room.

"I should have never let you come today," Alex says kissing my hand.

"It's not your fault," I say. "I didn't stay close to Landon like you told me," I say knowing it was my fault.

"You put up a good fight though, he had a huge bruise on his stomach from what ever you did," He says with a small smile.

"I kneed that bitch," I say with pride making him laugh.

"I beat the shit out of him, he is in another room now getting stitches actually," he says making me smile.

"Did you get a hit in for me?" I ask.

"Yeah, at least five for you and ten for me," He says kissing my head.

"What is my damage?" I say wanting to know.

"One broken rib, a concussion, and a little bruised up face, nothing to bad... Oh and a big scrap on your right arm," he says pointing to the bandage on my arm, which took up half my arm no joke.

"And muddy hair... speaking of mud, you need to change," I say laughing a little.

"Hey, I got dirty of you and you were passing out on me," he jokes making me laugh. I wouldn't ask for anything different right now, having him be here like this was all I ever wanted......

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