Part 42

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It's Tuesday morning and I still wasn't feeling the greatest, although, I was feeling a little better after sleeping. Alex refused to leave m side last night, until he got a call and had to leave in the middle of the night. He thought I didn't notice he left, how cute is that? Anyways, I was dreading the volleyball match tonight, playing a game when sick is never a good idea.

"Alex said you were sick?" Lucas asked as we walk down the school hall. Alex was a no show this morning to school, I figured something more important came up, which is highly possible with all his secrets.

"Yeah, but I got some sleep and I am feeling better," I say making him give me a weird look.

"Alright, just remember that you don't need to play the game tonight. It would be good to sit one out for a change and not end up with injuries," he teases me making me fake shove him.

"Please, I am going to kick ass tonight against those stupid girls. All I need is for my cheer team to be present for a change," I say making him laugh.

"Hey, I will be there for sure and I think Lilly and Chase are coming with the twins. Morgan will for sure be there, which means Landon will obviously be there along with her. Landon coming means Alex will be there, and because he's your boyfriend so he has no choice. Cam will be here because I'm going to drag him here, and Bentley and Ryder won't make it because they have a basketball game tonight for their travel thing they do," Lucas says as we come to my first class of the day.

"Alright, I expect to hear you all over everyone else there," I say with a smile. Lucas laughs and walks the other way to get to his class.

"Who's Landon?" Nick says from behind me in the classroom. I walk to my seat which was in front of his sadly, and get out my book for the class.

"Landon is Morgans boyfriend, you know that person who loves her and wouldn't do anything to hurt her," I say in a rather bitchy tone to be honest. I can hear him make a disgusted sound behind me and I mentally laugh to myself.

"Please, he isn't half as good as I am," he says making me turn around in my seat.

"No he's ten times better. Want to know why, because he makes her happy and puts her before everything else in his life. He wouldn't even think about cheating on her because she is worth keeping and he knows that, unlike you," I say as the teacher walks in. I turn around and focus on her, but damn. I was so snappy lately and it was beginning to bother me a little.

After the school day was over, I walked to my truck to grab my gym bag for the game. I noticed how there was a note on the window, so I grabbed it and opened it up.

"Hey Faith, Good luck at your game tonight babe! You're going to kick as always. I am going to try my best to make it, I just had some things come up and Landon and I both needed to take care of it. But don't worry, everything is fine. Just focus on the game and win that state spot you've been aiming for all season. How cool will that be, making state for both dance and volleyball.... Love you to the moon and back. ~Alex"

I smiled and put the note in my truck as I grabbed my bag, I knew he had something important if he was missing the game, so I wasn't going to even worry about it.

I rushed to get the the locker room, where of course all the girls were already half way done getting ready. Throwing my bag onto the bench, I start changing into my volleyball gear

"Made it!" Lilly says out of breath. I forgot she had to run home and pic up the twins. I laugh as we both change into our stuff.

"Are the twins excited to be here?" I asked, knowing they probably have never been to any type of event.

"Yeah, they made you signs," Lilly says laughing. I laugh and lock up the locker before all the ladies walk out. Lilly and I trail behind to make sure everyone makes it out to the court. The stands were full, since this game would determine if we made it to state or not. I looked around and seen my dad and uncles, aunts cousins, the twins, and Landon and Alex sitting in the stands. I shake my head at Alex who gives me that look, you know the one where he knows I thought he wasn't going to show. I laugh and huddle up with my team.

"Alright ladies, we can do this," I begin making them smile. "We only need to win this last game and we are state bond baby," I cheer making my girls all shout with pride.

"Forest Grove has made it three years in a row, ever have they finished a full four years. Now, I don't know about you ladies, but I want to finish my senior year out with a bang!" Lilly adds in making us cheer more.

"So let's go out there and show our school some pride," I say making Jade frown a little.

"But this school is undefeated for a reason Faith, not one school has been able to even come close to beating them. How are we going to win?" she says making me look at my team.

"We have come to far and worked our asses off to much to let them take this from us. We have something they don't, we have a sisterhood bond. Look at them, they are already yelling at each other. They don'r work off each others strengths like we do, we work together and make shit happen. So don't focus on winning or losing, focus on doing the best you can for this game," I say making them all smile this time. We do our school cheer and take our places. We have more than enough players because we have five benched ones as back up.

"Both teams ready?" the ref asked as we all stand on the court. The other teas captain and myself nod, and the game begins.

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