Part 52

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A/N:: Hey you guys, hope you are all enjoying this book so far! By the feedback I get, you are loving it lol. It's always good to read your comments, they make my day. I know I leave you with a lot of cliffhangers and you want updates right away, but I do have a lot going on in life. I love updating as much as I can, but I can't always update twice a day like some days, because I have family, friends, and work things going on as well. BUT I do update when ever I do have free time, which is why some days you get more updates than others :) I will keep trying my best to update at least one-two times a day though. Keep sending me feed back and don't forget, you can email me when ever :) THANKS EVERYBODY!

We've been at the hospital 24 hours now, still no news about Alex. I was dying, I needed to see him.

"Want to take a walk?" Morgan asked as she came over by the window where I was sitting on the edge just watching the rain fall. Perfect weather for the mood we were all in, everyone was tired but stayed here for supports. I looked at her and shook my head, I didn't want to do anything.

"Faith, you have been here for a day and haven't moved from that spot. Please, just for a little bit," she begs me as I look out the window still.

"Come on," Landon says pulling me up and putting me over his shoulder. I don't say anything as he walks out of the room, my family laughing at me as Morgan follows behind us. I didn't even put up a fight, but I was thankful for Landon at this time. He was honestly taking over that brother role for me right now and making me get up.

"There," Morgan says as Landon sets me down in the hall away from the room. I hold back a smile as Landon smiles at me.

"I don't see a point in leaving the room until Alex is alright," I say finally making Morgan shake her head.

"Jase wants to see you," she says making me feel bad. With everything going on the past month, I forgot to visit him lately.

"Fine," I say as the three of us walk to the second floor where Jase's room was. I seen that the nurse just walked out and looked not very pleased with something.

"I don't know what it is about this little kid, but he stole my heart," Landon says as we get closer to the door. I smile and look at him.

"He does that to everyone," I whisper as I push the door open. Jase was sitting on his bed with his arms crossed, the IV in his arm and a look of pain on his face.

"You're face is going to get stuck like that buddy," I tease him. He snaps his head my way with a huge smile as we walk over. Right away I take a seat next to him on the bed and he climbs in my lap and smiles.

"I missed you," He says making me smile.

"What about us?" Morgan says pointing to her and Landon.

"LANDON!" Jase shouts making Landon smile and his him a high five as he sits down with us. Morgan stands next to us, she was tired of sitting so long.

"Hey little man," Landon says as Jase climbs on his lap now. Jase really loved having guys around often now.

"Where's Alex?" he asked making my heart stop. I wasn't used to people asking that or saying his name since we got here. I looked at Jase a second before tears built up in my eyes. Morgan came to my side and hugged me as I cried and I heard Landon speak to Jase.

"He's in the hospital too bud," he tells him in a sensitive voice.

"Why?" Jase asked in a worried voice.

"He had an accident with his car buddy," Landon adds on making Jase gasp.

"But..He's okay, right?" he asked looked at me for the answer. I wipe my eyes and look at him.

"We don't know bud," I whisper with more tears. Jase looks at me a second before climbing back into my lap, wrapping his little arms around my neck and hugging me. I held him back and stopped my tears, Jase needed happy in his life, not more sad.

"Can I see him?" Jase asked. I looked down at him and shook my head.

"We can't yet buddy, we have to wait," I say making his face break out in a frown.

"He will be okay," he says making me smile a little as I wipe more tears.

"I hope so," I say as we just sit there and enjoy the silence for awhile.

Later that evening we got the okay to go into Alex's room, of course he had been under still from the surgery and the doctors were not able to tell if he was in a coma or just sleeping yet. You figure doctors would be able to tell the difference, but with Alex it was different because he went under before they even gave him the medication.

"You go in first," Mr. Bowman said to me. I shake my head and motion for him to go in first. So what does he do, he takes my arm and we both go in together. I stop half way when I see Alex, all hooked to IV's and a breathing mask still. He had his arm in a sling for a dislocated shoulder, his leg was in a boot because he had some tendons snap from being slammed into the floor on impact. His head had small cuts and bruises on it, and one rather large cut above his left eye.

"I told him not to do the race," I whispered as I stood next to his bed and took his cut up hand in mine. His dad was on the other side of the bed looking at his son.

"I never wanted to see him end up in here like me," he says making me smile a little.

"He did say he wanted to be like you as he grew up," I joke a little trying to lighten the mood. His dad laughed a little before looking at me.

"You changed him Faith. In all the years he's been alive, I never once seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you," his dad says making me smile at Alex. "I didn't tell him to date you, heck all I told your mom was you two should be friends. I never knew you would impact his life this much. He told me about the fight and the things that were said, he regretted it a lot. I seen him cry for the first time that night he came in here after the dance, he went on and on about how he made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go the way he did," he says making my heart stop.

"I wanted to talk to him before the race... I had something important to tell him," I whisper squeezing his hand a little more.

"Tell him, sometimes they can hear. I mean, I could hear when people talked and I was under," Mr. Bowman informs me. I smile and nod. "I'll leave you to it then," He says slowly walking out with his walker. I wait until I hear the door close all the way and I look back at Alex.

"Hey, I know we left off on a bad note, and I don't blame you. I acted like a total bitch that night and just accused you, and I shouldn't have without letting you explain yourself first. I deserve what you said, and I hate myself for the night....You're killing me right now, not knowing if you're okay or not. I heard the crash and I seen the wreck," I begin choking up with tears again, so I pause a moment before going on. "Seeing you like that, like this in the hospital is scaring me," I say kissing his hand and looking at him again.

"I went to the doctors a few days before your race to see why I have been feeling so sick and dizzy, and mood apparently..... Looks like the family tradition of getting pregnant at eighteen is continuing with us.... I'm pregnant," I say with more tears in my eyes as I lay my head down carefully on Alex's chest.

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