Part 11

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It was like some crazy killer movie, where the killer stops the girl from walking away so that he can end her right then and there. My thoughts as I was standing in front of James on the tracks and he had that crazy look in his eyes. It was loud on the track, a race was going on it looked like but that was the last thing I was focused on.

"You shouldn't keep coming here darling," James says walking closer. I step back a few more steps just as I hear a car come pulling up. It stops making dust fly, I could hear the announcer saying how Alex just wont he race.

"Get in the car Faith," Alex says getting out of his car and throwing his helmet in the back seat. He walks over and pushes me carefully behind him and stares James down. I don't even question it before I climb into his car and wait for him.

"Saving the day yet again Bowman," James says as Alex stands there, looking dangerous with his tattoos and all protective.

"I see you by here again, I will make sure you never see another day," Alex threatens in a low tone thinking I won't be able to hear him, but of course I did.

"She is fair game," James says looking over at me as I act like I can't hear them. Alex pushes him back and gets even closer and more protective.

"She's mine....I suggest you back off because I will not think twice about kicking your ass," Alex says walking back to the car. He gets in and slams the car in reverse. I buckle up quickly and hang on as he whips the car around and goes full speed toward the actual race part of the track where everyone was watching us.

"You really need to stop coming here," He finally says as we pull into the garage where Landon was waiting. He gets out without waiting for me to reply, so i quickly hoped out and followed him.

"Well if you wouldn't disappear at school while I am trying to talk to you," I say as we stop and Alex looks at Landon.

"Stop letting her go places alone, you know how James is," Alex says making Landon look at me with a sorry look.

"I forgot he was here today... I'm sorry Faith," he says making me flash him a friendly smile.

"It's okay Landon, I'm fine," I say as Alex keeps walking. "Stop!" I say running to catch up with him. I grab his arm just as we reach my truck and he goes to open the drivers door for me.

"You heard your dad Faith, I'm not good for you to be around, and today proved it... So just listen to someone for once and stay away," he says making me step back and just look at him for a minute.

"Alex don't, I can take a lot from people but not you pushing me away," I whisper.

"You don't know me Faith, you've known me for a week and that's it. You know my name and what I do, nothing about my life.... You don't want to know a guy like me... Just do yourself a favor and go, just leave me alone and go back to your high society life style and your family. You'll forget about me in a week anyways," he says opening my door for me. I look at him in pure hurt and brokenness. I was about to tell him how I felt about him, but now I couldn't find the voice to even say bye. 

"Dude," Landon says from behind us. He must have heard the whole thing because he looked at me and then Alex.

"Leave Faith," Alex says again in a more demanding tone. I walk past him and get in, he closes the door for me and watches as I drive away. I didn't know something could hurt so bad, and I wasn't even anything to him at all. This is why I stay single and haven't liked anyone in a long time, because this feeling of being hurt and having an empty space is the worst feeling ever.


"Faith, are you going to get up and do anything today?" Morgan asked walking into my room from the hall. It was now Saturday and I haven't left my room in two days. I was to sad to do anything at all, not even to walk my dogs.

"Leave me alone Morgan," I say turning over so I was facing the wall and not her. I feel her sit on the bed and let out a sigh.

"Alright, this is crazy you weren't even dating the kid so get over it.... Let him see how happy you are without him," she says as I sit up and look at her with tears forming in my eyes.

"Morgan, for the first time in my life I thought that just maybe I finally found someone who would accept me and who I was without judging me because my parents are rich... I thought that maybe I could build something with someone finally and be happy, but now everything is so mess up and It's all my fault," I say getting out of bed and walking to my bathroom.

"You got to stay positive," she says walking over to the door which I locked and was leaning on from the other side.

"I was positive that Alex was the one who finally broke down my walls without even trying, and now he doesn't even want to talk to me..." I whisper sliding to the ground...

Alex's POV

"Dude, I can't believe you did that yesterday," Landon says to me as I wash my Mustang int he garage at the tracks.

"I told you, girls like her don't belong with guys like me," I say back as I wipe my hands off and close my car door. Landon was dead set on Faith, he liked her and that I finally found a girl I would talk to and laugh with and be myself with. Faith did that, something about her just made me feel relaxed and myself. I haven't had that with any other girl before, and I loved it. I just didn't want someone like her to be dragged down with my failure of a life. 

"Are you fucking stupid? She is crazy about you and you are crazy about her. Do you realize how bad you've hurt her, I could tell by the look on her face, but hey, you are about to lose the girl of the century, that's your choice," He says as he goes back to working on my race car. I lean on my car and think, he was right, I let her get away.....

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