Part 59

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Landon and I covered the whole lower floor of the building, there was no one in here. I don't understand, this is where his call is coming from. I watched as Landon kept clearing rooms, while I stayed back and just went through all this again.

"Faith, call Cam back and see if he was sure this was where the call came from," Landon shouts to me from down the hallway we were in. I nod and take out my phone. I was about to turn it on, but a reflection from behind me got my attention. I looked into my black screen and seen someone pointing a gun at me, I didn't give any indication that I seen him. I heard the sound of the safety going off and I dropped to the ground right away, missing the shot just by a second. It hit the wall beside me and right away Landon fired back.

"Come on," Landon says shooting at the guy behind the doorway as I rush to get behind Landon. I get behind him and he keeps shooting at the man who was shooting at us.

"Where did he come from?" I asked as a bullet flies past me. I can hear it go past, I was so caught up in that that I missed when Landon said watch out. A bullet hit my arm and it causes me to almost fall. Landon grabbed my other arm before I hit the ground and pulled me into an empty room before shutting the door.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking at the blood rushing out of my upper arm. I keep pressure on it and nod.

"It's fine," I say in pain. I didn't want to tell him that It hurt like a mother, we have enough to worry about. The gun shots suddenly stop and a loud thud was heard from the hall. Landon and I both look at each other and then a knock on the door makes us both jump. I rush behind Landon as he aims the gun at the door.

"Dude open the door," Lucas's voice said from behind it. I rush and open the door and Lucas falls into the room, he was out cold. I let out a scream when I see the blood on him. Then a guy walks in and grab my arm and try pulling me out. Landon was out of bullets, so he took the chance and tackled the guy to the ground. I quickly scramble to Lucas as Landon takes care of the guy.

"Lucas," I say shaking him a little, trying to hold tears back. He had so much blood on him, so much.

"Stop shaking me," he says in a weak voice as I look at him. He had his eyes open and was looking around confused.

"What happened?" I asked looking him over. Lucas carefully brings his hand up to his stomach and lifts his shirt, he had several large cuts on his stomach, arms, and leg.

"I seen them leave with Morgan, So i followed them here. They have some pretty big dogs upstairs," he says making me groan. Perfect, they are upstairs in the most dangerous place here.

"You should have called us," I say as someone grabs my leg and pulls me. I look and see Jack, barely able to talk and his head was bleeding from being hit. I let out a scream as he drags me across the hall. Landon was busy with that guy still, but he tried getting to me. Lucas could barely move, but he grabbed my arms and held on. Jack stopped and looked at Lucas before pulling me hard and Lucas lost his grip on my arms.

"Let her go!" Lucas shouts, feeling helpless no doubt. I kicked my legs to get free, but it was useless. Jack dragged me several more feet before stopping in the middle of the building in the big empty space. I go to get up and run but her pulls me back down. I watch as he pulls out a knife, my eyes get wide as I struggle harder to get free.

"Pay back for putting me in jail," he says to me. He brings his arm up and is ready to just stab me, but someone tackles him to the ground. I roll to the side from the impact because it was so hard, then I look. Jack was on the ground and to my surprise, so was Alex. I look as Alex was just laying there, looking to be in a lot of pain, which is understandable because he was just in an accident. Jack was looking around, but confused. I get up and go to Alex, he looks at me then pulls me down to the ground and shoves me away as Jack jumps toward us and tries to stab me again, this time Alex takes a stab to the arm. It didn't slow him down though, he got the upper hand and was fighting with Jack.

"Find Morgan," Alex said as Jack flips it around and is now having the upper hand. I got to my feet and rushed up the stairs. When I got to the third floor I stopped, and looked around. It was dark up here, with a few lights in the empty space that were flickering. I took a few steps around and seen someone sitting in a chair on the other end of the space.

"Morgan," I say running toward her. She looked at me and my heart broke, she had a bruised face and small cuts. I took the tie off her mouth so she could talk and untied her hands.

"Faith we have to go" She says as I help her get up. I was confused, she seemed to know something I didn't.

"Lucas, Alex, and Landon are downstairs," I say turning us toward the door, where Nick now stood. I paused and seen he had two dogs on a leash and they were barking at us. Lucas had told me about the dogs, and he was right, they are huge and look ready to kill.

"I'm surprised you made it this far, although Alex showing up was a surprise to me," Nick says making me glare at him. I was slowly backing up with Morgan. She had her footing now and I didn't have to help her, her adrenaline was keeping her going now. I heard footstep on the stairs and Alex, Landon and Lucas voices.

"You're to late," I say with a smile as the voices got closer.

"I may be going down, but I am taking you with me," he say letting the leashes go. The dogs took off toward us.

"Run," I tell Morgan as we both turn toward the next flight of stairs and run as fast as we can. We reach the roof and there was no where to go. The barks of the dogs were getting closer, we had to make a choice and fast. I didn't have any guns or knifes on me, there was nothing to do.

"Faith," Morgan says scared. I look around and see one chain laying on the roof. I run over and get it, it was chained to the pipes and wasn't going anywhere. I throw it over the edge of the building and it was just twenty feet short of the ground. I see Lucas down there tho, he seen us.

"Faith what are you doing?" he shouts with all the energy he had. I look at Morgan as a nasty growl gets close.

"Climb down Morgan, Lucas will help you," I say helping her over the edge. She stops and looks down, Lucas was ready. She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"You're coming right after me right?" she says. I nod and she begins to climb down. Half way down something goes wrong and the pipe breaks, sending the chain flying toward the edge and Morgan dropping fast. I grab the end of the chain before it goes over, it tore my hands up but I held on. Morgan was swinging now, just above Lucas and he caught her when she let go. I let go of the chain and it fell to the ground. I looked over the ledge and Morgan was clinging to Lucas.

"Faith!" Lucas shouts as the two dog reach the roof. I look at them and then everything that was surrounding the building. I seen Nick on the roof and then Alex tackling him, the dogs charged at me and I heard a gun shot from Landon, but one dog was still going. I took a running leap over the edge, It was like I was flying.......

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