Part 22

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After our little shopping trip, which the girls had a blast at by the way, we decided to hit the park. Morgan and Landon were doing their own thing by the lake beach, while Alex and I watched the girls on the play ground.

"Thanks again for buying all those cloths and toys for the girls," Alex says holding my hand as we sit on the bench. I smiling at him I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Not a problem, I think they like their new build a bear toys than anything else today," I say watching he twins run around, each with their own stuffed animal they made.

"Thanks for watching them too, I will keep them at Landon's house tonight so that you don't get in trouble," he says making me frown a little, because Landon already told me he doesn't want the girls around his roommates.

"Hold on," I say getting my phone out and making a call.

"Hi sweetie," My mom says on the other end, clearly at work right now because I can hear how busy it is.

"Hey mom, I have a question?" I say making Alex laugh at me, because he thought I was crazy. I playfully smack his arm making him fake being hurt making me hold back a laugh.

"I believe your uncle, aunt, and cousins will all be over for dinner tonight," she says as I have her on speaker.

"OH, never mind then," I say a little disappointed.

"Why? Are you going to have your friend Alex over? I heard dad finally approved of him, well that is what he told me at least. I adore him to be honest, he is adorable," she says making me blush because Alex could hear all this and he was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"I told your father he was a good man.... Oh and you two would make the cutest couple," she says making me face palm.

"Okay mom, that's enough, and yes, I wanted to know if him and his twin sisters could come over," I say crossing my fingers for good luck.

"Oh that would be wonderful dear, I didn't know he had sisters? Actually, I don't think you father even knew that information," she says making me look at Alex weird, he looked calm though.

"Alright, well, we will be home later then," I say with a small smile.

"Alright sweetheart, love you!" she says.

"Love you too!" I say before hanging up the phone and looking at Alex.

"What?" He says playing with the ends of my hair.

"Why doesn't your sisters show up in my dads information? Everything about your life should show up?" I say confused still. He was about to speak, but Kara comes running up and grabs my hand laughing.

"Faith, come push me in the swing!" She begs me making me laugh and get up.

"Alright," I say as I chase her to the swing. She carefully gets on and I push her, not to high though, I wouldn't want her to fall. Kelsey was playing on the monkey bars, and Alex was watching her so she didn't fall.

"You're the best Faith," Kara says as I push her. I smile, hearing her say that makes my life ten times better because I used to volunteer at the hospital with the sick kids, and they would always say that to me.

"Kara, you are the best," I say back to her making her laugh.

"I wish I could grow up to be just like you," she says making me smile, but deep down I knew because of the life she has now that there was a slim chance for her to grow up like I did, and that honestly breaks my heart.

"You and your sister are going to be beautiful young ladies when you're older," I say making her smile.

"That's what mama told us, but daddies says no," she says making me mad that their own dad would say that to them.

"Well, your dad is wrong... Believe me sweetie, you are beautiful," I say, not because I wanted her to believe it, but because it was true. Alex is a very handsome guy, and his sisters have that good looking gene in them to, I can see it. Their mother must be beautiful, because this doesn't just happen.

"Kelsey go by Faith and your sister," Alex says pushing Kelsey toward us and focusing on something toward the parking lot. I stop Kara's swing and help her off as Kelsey runs over and the two of them stand by my side. I look closer and see a familiar car, then I see James walking toward Alex. My first reaction was to call Morgan to tell Landon to come over, they were just over the hill.

"Why are you calling when you are like ten feet away?" Morgan says annoyed.

"Landon needs to come over here, like now. There's a situation," I say staying on the phone just in case.

"Bowman! The race is in a month," James says standing a few feet from Alex. Alex had his arms crossed and looked ready to kill, but you could tell he wasn't getting to angry because the twins were here.

"Who's that?" Kelsey asked making me look down at the girls.

"Just someone we know," I say looking back up.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," Alex says back with a smirk. James chuckles and looks back at us, as a reaction I move more in front of the twins.

"First warning to drop out now," James says making Alex laugh. Landon was just getting to his side and Morgan was by me now.

"What the heck is going on?" she asked confused. She knows the boys race, but she didn't know for money or all that stuff.

"Scared you're going to lose?" Landon says with a smile making Alex laugh too.

"Yeah, I don't plan on loosing that race. You better consider backing out," James says with a smirk on his face.

"I won't be backing out of any race anytime soon," Alex says.

"Then how about a tester race. This weekend, just for shits," James says making Alex smirk.

"Another chance to make you look like a fool, sure," Alex says making me slightly worried.

"Saturday night then, see you on the track," James says walking toward his car. "Oh, say hi to your dad for me," He adds with a smirk.

As soon as he said it, Alex snapped and went to tackle him but Landon stopped him.

"Not worth it dude, your sisters are here," Landon says making Alex look back at us and then clam down a little. After James was gone and things were settled down, Morgan took the twins to the car and I walked over to Landon and Alex.

"He is up to something," I say making Landon nod in agreement.

"I agree, but can we worry about it later and get to this dinner," Landon says making me look at him. "Morgan invited me," he says with a smirk walking to his car where Morgan was waiting.

"Alex?" I say as we walk to my truck. He looks at me but gets in the drivers side and waits for me to get in. I want to know what James meant by that dad comment. Alex has never mentioned his real dad before, only his step dad. This makes me wonder what happened or who is dad is.

Nothing Like Us (Squeal to  ALAYLM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin