~55~: Closure for families!

Start from the beginning

That knock at my door stopped me from doing something foolish I would for sure regret later. There was no mirror in the room but there was a metal plate and even a bit of water was enough to see my reflection. I would for sure find something to satisfy my curiosity.

"Come in."

Not only was the door thrown open when I said that but I could even see my father who dashed towards me to hug me while I was still sitting there at my bed.



"No. Just let me hug you for a bit more."


He did as he asked and only let me go after a couple of minutes. I could even see some tears in his eyes. Was he really that worried about me? Did I perhaps interpret things differently only because I thought to know the future bit by bit? I was indeed foolish to think that I would know the future which I could change by myself.

At this point, I felt guilty towards my father. Maybe if I had talked about it, he would have understood me. Maybe if I had told him about the oracle or got back after I found out about it, maybe he would have helped me. Maybe he could have even dealt with things differently than what I did. Maybe... Well maybe I was just overthinking things.

"I am glad you are alright."

"I...I am sorry."

"For what my child?"

"I just disappeared without a notice..."

"I know you had your reasons for it."

"Still I made you worry."

"Don't worry about it. As long as you are alright, that is all that matters."

I didn't deserve to have a father like him or someone who adopted me to be precise. He was described to be different in the book but I found out that he had a gentle heart that he kept for himself and his family. Oliver was definitely a person who should be dealt with respect since he knew when he needed to show mercy and when to be strict as well as when to be gentle. I knew this by now but I didn't know that when I first arrived in this world at all. Looking back, I was quite stupid to think I could do anything by myself.

"Vivi, your brothers want to meet you too. Is it alright if I call them in too?"

"How about spending some more time with me instead?"

"I would love that more too."

"That was obvious, father. How have you been... more importantly how many people did we lost?"

"Immediately talking about business huh..."

"I am glad to see you too but I can't stand the thought about families out there, kids that lost their father because of what happened."

"What a gentle soul you have."

"I am just like my father."

A snicker escaped us both as we looked at each other. It was a bit awkward but I could tell that he was just soo glad to finally see me again. I on the other hand also felt soo relieved to finally meet my family again. To be honest, I didn't realize or more likely ignored the fact that I was missing them a lot. It might have only come to me when I saw Ryan at that banquet that the church hosted but I really missed them a lot. I just wanted to make sure that they would be all alright. I wanted to make sure that they would all live and not die anytime in the future at all. I once again remembered why I was doing all this.

"We don't know the exact number yet but Vivi, you saved more than enough people. There is no need to feel bad about this. It is not your fault."

"I know... but I want closure for their families."

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