The figure turns to stare at Martha, then walks on. Inside, at her locker, Martha puts on a white coat, then gets an electric shock from the door.
The consultant and his students are gathered around a woman's bed. The consultant, Mister Stoker, is taking her pulse.

"I was all right till this morning, and then, I don't know, I woke up and I felt all dizzy again. It was worse than when I came in.", The patient called Florence explains.

"Pulse is slightly thready. Well, let's see what Britain's finest might suggest. Any ideas, Morgenstern?"

"Dizziness can be a sign of early onset diabetes.", A nervous young man guesses.

"Hardly early onset, if you'll forgive me, Miss Finnegan. Any more ideas? Swales?"

"Er, could recommend a CT scan.", The woman suggests.

"And spend all our money? Jones?", He turns to Martha.

"We could take bloods and check for Meniere's disease."

"Or we could simply ask the patient. What did you have for dinner last night?", He directs the question to Miss Finnegan.

"I had salad.", The woman responds.

"And the night before?

"Salad again.", She answers.

"And salad every night for the past week, contrary to my instructions. Salt deficiency, that's all. Simple, honest salt.", He tells the group.
"Hippocrates himself expounded on the virtues of salt. Recommended the inhalation of steam from sea water. Though no doubt if he'd been afflicted with my students, results might have been rather more colourful.", Stoker leads his students from the Breast Screening Unit to the Orthopedic Dept, past the lifts.

Two figures in full motorcycle leathers get out. In reality, they would never have been allowed in the hospital without taking off their helmets.
Stoker pushes back the curtain around a bed.

"Now then, Mister Smith, a very good morning to you. How are you today?", He asks the Doctor as he sits in the bed. Juliet is sitting on a nearby chair.

"Oh, not so bad. Still a bit, you know, blah."

"John Smith, admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. Jones, why don't you see what you can find? Amaze me.", Stoker says.

Martha steps up with her stethoscope.

"That wasn't very clever, running around outside, was it?", She asks him.


"On Chancellor Street this morning? You came up to me and took your tie off."

"Really? What did I do that for?", He asks, sounding genuinely confused.

"I don't know, you just did.", Martha shrugs.

"Not me. I was here, in bed. Ask the nurses. Or Jules. ", He points a finger in the brunette direction. She nods at the woman, who looks down quickly with wide eyes open laying eyes on the woman.

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