I...I am sorry...

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All Might's POV:

I just wanted to ask the shop owner, this kid, something and I defintiely fucked up. The book he gave me contained secrets about my quirk and also answers to questions I wanted to know. There was my good friend Nighteye who was telling me to take Mirio as my disciple but I wanted to take another kid in which was a bit more on the explosive side. Still seeing a book filled with all the details of One for All shocked me so much that I ran into the room where the kid was not carrying for anything. 

However I didn't expect him too be this angry. I knew I fucked up and I also knew that my body was not the best as well. So when I started coughing up blood and seeing the kids reaction to it even throwing a towel into my face made me wonder what I just done.


I fucked up hard...

I should treat him better!

He gave me such valuable information to read...

But what if he was someone on the villain side?

Maybe I am judging too much.

How could he be a villain with Endeavor coming in and out of here...

The reason why I was looking at this shop for a long long time was because I never could make myself go into the shop and ask for some books. Honestly I desperatly needed some guidance and I hoped that there was something in a book. Like something about how to deal with a protege or how to be a great teacher or something like that. However what I got was something far more precious as well as concerning. I was leaning towards the precious side. 

Still I fucked up hard... otherwise I could have asked for more help.

???: What, you gonna stay there like a damn stick or something? Clean the shit up before I return from back there! Thanks to you, I have to clean up that mass.

Of course I quickly started to get the blood off the floor with that towel. He even threw a bucket at me as well after the tower and I was about to make sure that the floor would sparkle as if it was new or so I thought until I started throwing up mor and more blood.


This is not the place I should do that!

I already angered the kid enough...

He might be even more powerful than Nezu if he had a book like that around.

I should be careful about him and stop angering the shit out of this fine young boy.

I was thinking that but in reality I was cursing the shit out of myself since it was all my fault. As always, I would find a way to ruin everything. I knew by now that I was just a walking disaster. I was not even pretending anymore. I needed help and I needed someone to talk to. After Nana died, I was basically on my own and all I had was a good friend Grand Torino and Sir. Nighteye but I couldn't open up to them at all. They thought that my quirk and my role in life was bigger and more important than a single life. I was seeing that differently. I believed that this quirk needed someone who was not strong in every aspects but someone who could understand it and has the heart of someone that wanted to save the world. Big ambitions would be the key here. 

???: FUCKING HELL! YOU UTERLY USELESS! You're failure of an ass should not puke out more on the floor! Why do you have a bucket for huh?

Me: I am sorry.

???: Get out before you die in my shop and cover the whole floor with blood! I don't want to need and hide a body!

Me: I am sorry. I will make it up.

???: Just don't die and visit a fucking doctor instead of a bookstore like this!

He huredly started to push me out of the store and once I was out, he looked the door smiled at me and waved. Ah yes that smile was definitely dangerous one. It reminded me of Nezu and that was definitely my next destination. Seeing as the kid liked tea and I just kinda broke a tea set, I should replace it as well. At least I could try and make it better after I fucked it all up. Of course I would go to Nezu with questions about tea, who else would I bother to get the best after all... and it definitely needed the best for the kids anger to be stopped. 

I could only hope that I didn't fucked it up too badly, for the kid to wish me dead or not let me in anymore at all... I definitely needed his help.

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