Always up to the task!

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As I was sitting there, I couldn't help it but notice the tired look in the mands face.

Me: Anything special I can do for you?

Hisashi: No. This book is enough.

Me: So what is it this time?

Hisashi: Can't an old man visit a kid like a son every now and then?

Me: That would be nice but we both know you are just escaping your own kids.

Hisashi: Very true.

Me: So what is it this time? I am curious and you are my only source of entertainment around here.

Hisashi: My firbreathing lizard put the room he was staying under fire.

I supposed that can't be helped with an animal after all.

It doesn't know any better.

Maybe put it in something that could make it kinda be detained?

Well would that be cruel towards the animal tho?


Maybe for punishment till it would get the point?

I wonder if I should suggest that...

Or not....

Let's hear him out.

Maybe there is more to this.

Me: ...

Hisashi: Then the girl is now on an emo trip and I don't know how to stop it especially since she is now trying to change all the red paint to black even though red is a natural color.

A bit too much.

I wonder if we can fix her if we get her more paint and I mean different colors.

Red is nice and all but what about pink?

Or maybe green?

Maybe give her another hobby!

If she likes red then she could start planting roses!

That would kinda solve something.

But would cost a lot on the other hand and then the problem is where to plant it?


Not quite a solution.

Me: ...

Hisashi: The gamer is out of controll and even calling to be in the TV on those game shows where you can controll everything over phone.

Alright this is just plain stupid!

Why the heck would anyone do that?

Everyone knows how rigged these things are and that you would only lose money.

I don't think he got that much to spend as well...

Ohh poor Mister Hisashi. 

I can see why he is looking soo tired now.


Hisashi: *sigh* They are just a bunch of wild uncivilized idiots.

Me: But they are your idiots.

Hisashi: Correct.

Me: May I suggest something?

Hisashi: Go ahead.

Me: Ever thought about sending them to a camp?

Hisashi: A camp?

Me: Yes. I belive they need a change of air. 

Hisashi: A change of air you say... very well. I haven't tried that out yet and I certainly need some time alone.

Me: Hahahahaha I can see that.

Hisashi: Aslo thank you for the book.

Me: Of course. 

Hisashi: Now tell me how have you been lately?

Me: Wunderful.

I wonder if I should talk about the hero...

I still don't know who Mr. Hisashi is.

I think he is a villain or he does something illegal just because of the amount of wounds he has.

Then there is also the thing about him being so misteryous and always talk in a roundabout way.

I don't get why he can't just name his kids by their names if not for them to be wanted as well.

That means he is only trying to not get me in trouble.


I am soo appreciating this!

Whelp I don't care if he is a villain or not.

Hisashi: Anything new?

Me: My shop might be closed soon for a small amount of time.

Hisashi: Oh no, who is giving you troubles? 

I didn't quite get why this sounded like something along this line: "Should I take care of this?" And with that I meant more like something about get rid of them secretly... Was it just me or was it just my mind playing tricks on me. Well whatever there was no harm in telling him anyways.

Me: My shop is getting renovated and I weill get electricity and running water as well as some fixing.

Hisashi: I see. That is wunderful! We should celebrate it after you open up again.

Me: I agree on this one.

Hisashi: Do you know how long it will take?

Me: Not really but I think should be done in a week.

Hisashi: In that case can you give me another book.

Me: Sure what you want?

Hisashi: Surprise me.

He was always the best and since he had a fairytale right now I decided to give him another one. This time it was about a cat which was not a cat but a dragon stuck in a cats body. Quite the funny story but it should at least make the old man smile.

Me: Here you go.

Hisashi: Thank you.

This was actually all he said before leaving my little shop and leaving me more than enough money. At some point he stopped asking for the price and was just giving it to me in an envelope not even giving me the chance to open it before he was gone.


And again...

Way too much!

But looks like I can get some decent food tonight!

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