... Why now...

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I was already annoyed when I saw blood but now I was even more annoyed since I had to mop the floor and try to get the blood off before any customer would come inside. Who knows what they would think about what happened. Besides how was I supposed to explain that someone came in throwing blood?

Why did he even through up blood?

Was he too stressed and did that?

Don't tell me that is his drawback... did I even trigger that... why do I feel bad for the man now? It was him who made me drop some good tea and my only tea set tooo...

As I was mopping the floor my mood started to change from annoyed and angry to just being sad since I couldn't make any tea for the time being. I really loved tea and I had a small habbit of making some in the morning after I woke up and in the evening before I would go to sleep. It was just something I was enjoying a lot and now these times would be gone. 

Should I ask Mr. Todoroki for help?

I don't want to tell Mr. Hisashi that I lost the tea set he got me... It's kinda embarrassing plus I really liked it as well...

Me: *sigh*

???: Why are you sighing a lot?

The sudden voice made me jump back and look at someone who apparently entered into my shop but I haven't heard the bell at all. It seemed as if I had ignored the ringing and was way too deep into my thoughts and was abosrobed into my own consciousness.

Me: Ah sorry. How may I help you?

???: AH I was just checking this shop out. Enji told me about it.

I looked at the man who had bright red wings and found myself starring at them too. Nobody needed to tell me about how rude this was or how uncomfortable he would probably feel about this. Still something about the redness of them made me not being able to look away for a bit.

I wonder if he had to face some hardship in his past...

People would for sure compare him to Lucifer a fallen angel with that crimson color.

It does remind me of blood a bit... ah blood!

Though he does kinda have something about an angel. Poor guy! His past must have been really something. I can see people just be there and abuse him for his appearance. A bloody angel, a sign of misfortune....

Me: You must have had it hard....

Really before I knew it, I said that out loud and I could see his eyes widen because of that. 

???: What do you know?

Me: Ah pardon. It is not my place to say anything buy I can tell just by looking at them that you had to go through a lot of abuse physical and mental.

???: .... Who are you?

Me: I am Izuku the shop owner.

???: ....

Me: ... Ahm, Anything specific you are searching for?

Finally after a small awkward break, I stood up and looked at the man. It was awkward and it was embarrassing since I had a towel which was wet and bloody in my hands and I was in front of a new costumer. If this only could have been someone else then maybe I could say what happened but like this... it just looked bad. Maybe he would even think that I was hiding a body and arrest me. I could tell that he was a hero as well since he was a friend of Mr. Todoroki.

???: Anything you can suggest?

Me: Alright Sir, can I ask you to wait for a minute? I would like to put this away first.

???: Sure kiddo and drop the Sir. I am Hawks.

Me: Alright, Mr. Hawks.

???: I guess this is what he meant with over-politeness...

I ignored that last bit and threw the towel into the bucket before heading to the back to actually wash the blood off my hand and headed out to search for a book that might fit his taste.

He must have had it really rough sooo anything which has to do with angels, demonos, religon or even crimes are a no-go. I think he has enough to do with that in daily lives... I need something where he can relax and just enjoy it... he does seem as if he would love fantasty or even science fiction books.


That might be it!

He has wings and he flies a lot. People say flying is the best feeling one could have sooo... What about a story about a spaceship? What about the Nightflyers? Or something else?

Let's just check quickly over the science fiction area... Star trek might also work... I would just need to find that skript... Hmmm... AH!

There it is!

The very first skript for the series. 

This should make him smile, right?

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