What a store...

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Endeavor's POV:

I couldn't really get this kid. He was in here all alone and then the fact that this shop was his was a bit more than stunning. It shouldn't have been possible but who knows this was somewhat a gray area. If he said this was his then it meant he probably bought the place for cheap since no one wanted to be here. What a strange place for a bookstore anyways.

Honestly I was just here to catch someone who dared to get into my own hero agency and then decide to dip in last minute. I managed to track them down till this street but lost them. What an idiot of a thief. No. It couldn't have been a thief since they were not stealing anything but destroying my agency and thought they could do what they wanted with it.

Still if that didn't happen I would have never come across this kid.

He is way to thin.

Where are his parents?

Why is he even owning a bookstore...

Strange things are happening today.

First someone trashing my agency...

Then Touya fucking run after them and kills one...

*sigh* That will be headache to deal with.

And now here I am...

Why did I even take this book?

I don't know what it was, but when the kid gave me that book, I was drawn to it. At first I thought he was ridiculing me since he looked quite amused but now that I had it in my hands, I couldn't believe what was writen in it.

The books was all about being stealthy while also being obvious. Something along the line of hiding in plain sight. It was specialised for people with an obvious quirkl like I had. Not only that but they were suggestion things that I never was thinking about. Everything in it was theoretically but it was perfect to teach my son Touya who was doing the underground stuff. He hated the lime light and decided to be a underground hero. I didn't had anything against it only that he was not really stealthy with his blue flames and it was worrying me but this was my solution. I couldn't believe that something that was on my mind for a couple of weeks could be this easily solved.

Of course I read the whole book till the end right here in this little bookstore. I was a quick reader especially since I skipped through a lot and only read a bit. Time was not really being my friend and besides this was something that could also help me whenever I would go on a mission. 

Izuku: How is it so far?

Me: I will take it.

I've also spend enough time here.

I should go back now.

At least Touya can't ridicule me for not trying anything.

I wonder if he knows about the thieves...

No he already told me enough.

No need to get this kid in any kind of trouble...

This is far more worth than 25$...

Who is this kid even?!

How did he know that I needed this?!

Ah that is not important right now.

I stood up from the chair, went over to the kid and put the money as well as my card down before I left the building. He was more than just welcoming me without any question when I entered but helped me out as well. That kid might be dangerous but for now, I chose to believe that he was just a kid. His posture was one of a civilian, a person who was definitelly not trained to kill anyone and even if I was sure I could have told so. I had quite good skills when it came to judging people and he seemed friendly and harmless.

Once I got out of the shop, I looked back at it and decided I should help out a bit and immediately called back to my agency where Touya and Shoto should be.

Come to think about it... he looks like 16... same age as Shoto.

Maybe I can get him something my son would like.

Touya: What's up old man?

Me: Send someone to buy this building and let it get some electricity and running water.

Touya: Why buying a building so suddenly and where?

Me: I was about to text you the address.

Touya: You don't make any sense.

Me: I am your father. I don't need too!

Touya: ...

Me: Just do it.

Touya: *sigh* fine but you gonna have to explain.

Me: I will once I get back. Don't tell your brother about this.

Touya: Alright.

Just like that, I ended the call and immedaitely send the address before going my way to the bar the kid told me. I was sure I could at least find someone who knew about this or even get everyone there busted out. A villain bar was dangerous on its own after all.

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