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Shigaraki's POV:

I don't get what this was all about. First I had a group of villains helping me and now I had our boss coming over screaming at each one of us that we are failure and then chucked that damn havy book over my head. I WAS JUST PLAYING SOMETHING AND LOST BECAUSE OF THAT AS WELL. Anyways, I was enjoying this free time before our boss came in screaming. No one knew where he came from or where he got that damn book but one thing was for sure. He was not a good sign.

Now here we were...

Where you might ask?

Well I don't know it myself because he just fucking abandoned us in a goddamn forrest!

The last thing he said was "Don't you dare come back without a kill!".

Who knows what that meant.

Toga: Yo Shiggy, what are we supposed to do here?

Me: I don't know.

Toga: But he said kill! So where?! I don't see anything.

Demian: Fuck this shit!

Me: Look you damn burned ass, you think I asked for this?!

Demian: No.

Me: Then fucking shut up!

Demian: Still can complain about this shit and he chucked that book at you! So you are the reason for this!

Demian was one of the members in the LOV I had. The only reason why I had this pyromaniac in my group was because he was coming in handy with his fire quirk. What he could do was not much but at least he could make flames floating and catch anything on fire with a finger snap. If it were not for this, then he wouldn't be here at all.

Then there was Toga. She was a sociopath and a psychopath. Name it whatever and I promise you she is that including an asshole, a hore, a bitch and an idiot. She can be everything including annoying! All that damn bitch always wanted was to kill and cut open people to get to their blood. Fucking lunatic if you asked me.

Kurogiri: You all shut up!

Now that, that was my right hand man. The only one who could talk with us like that from time to time but overall he was taking up my commands.

Me: What's the matter?

Kurogiri: I believe we are here for a reason.

Demian: Killing, DUHHH!

Toga: I can smell some blood!

Demian: What are you? A hound?

Toga: No! Fuck off!

Me: All of you shut up!

We might have been too loud because in the next instance we saw some kids and some earth monsters. Now it made all sense. Our dear boss just threw us into a damn excercise made for heroes and here we are! I mean a nice warning would have been good and all but there was no helping it now. We definitelly had to do what we had to do to get out of here and get a kill cause who knows what our boss would do if we didn't return with one.

That was what I thought but I already saw Toga running at the monster with her knife and trying to stab it. Then there was Demian who tried to actually, no correction, who actually put every single person in flames. 


Demian: Better than standing around doing nothing mister Looser!

Me: You fucking have a death wish! Come on! BRING IT!

Kurogiri: Why did I deserve this!

Toga: This is fun! They are soo easy to kill! HEY GUYS! Come on let off some steam!


That was definitelly not an option seeing how many more of these monsters just came spamming in. This was a boss level and a dungeon from what it looked like. It was fight or fly and I would have prefered the first option here since I wasn't dumb. Then again the chances that our boss would help us out this time were nearly zero. He threw us in this situation because... well because... I don't fucking know! I am not the boss after all!

Me: Fuck!

Kurogiri: TOGA!

Now that was it from our little trip befcause Kurogiri started teleporting us all away from the scene. There were just too many monster and we tried to kill them all but they started reapearing and it was getting harder and harder. In the end, we returned back to the bar where I could see our boss sitting there waiting for us.

Meanwhile we were all ont he ground panting hard because of how much we had to run and fight. It felt like hours! Was it worth it? And the other question I had was WHY THE FUCK DID HE DO THAT FOR?!

Of course I didn't ask a single one and waited for our big boss to talk to us.

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Where stories live. Discover now