A hero?

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It was starting to rain buckets outside and I was getting a bit worried if this was the right thing to do. No one who were even close to being sane would probably be out in this rain. Honestly why should there be anyone out in the street right now? There was absolutelly no need for this but my hopes were still there. Throughout my life I learned a lot and one of these things was to never stop hoping and dreaming. Once I would do so, I would lose my hope and probably also my sincerity. Who knows what will happen then. I never dropped so low to know the answer myself but something told me that it wouldn't be good at all.

Maybe I should close the shop...

NO.. NO... NO!

What if there was indeed someone outside?

I won't hurt sticking here...

It doesn't matter if I would be here or at the back of the store anyways....

Whelp best timing to try and gather some more ideas for the story!

I was just taking some notes down for a new little story I wanted to write for my personal collection of book when I heard the familiar bell of the door. Someone just came inside but the moment I looked up, I was a bit stunned. There was someone in a costume standing there. That could only mean 3 things. This person was a hero, a villain or a vigilante. However based on how tidy and how the costume looked like being expensive and of the best quality, I doubted that the person was something else than a hero. I also had to say... I am not much into the society to know about heroes these days. I used to love them but I quickly got soo busy to have forgotten that they even existed. Well my life was more important after all and after that I took quite the likings in book so I never really paid attention to anything else.

Me: Welcome.

I wonder who this is?

Are they lost?

Don't tell me they have to work in this kind of rain?!

That is idiotic!

Why would day do so...

Oh wait...

Never mind.

It is in their job description after all.

Me: Please have a seat over there. I prepared some stuff so you can warm up and dry yourself off.


I feel like I should know the guy but he doesn't ring a bell at all.

Well whatever!

He is a hero so he should have a story to tell why he is out there.

I wanna hear it all!

Stories are my one and only drug after all ....

I should stop refering to them as drugs..

And I should stop talking to myself as well...


Me: It's not much but I hope you can still use them. The towel should still be somewhat warm. I am sorry for not being able to do much more for a hero like yourself.

Hero: Thank you, this shall be enough.

I looked at the man who seemed a bit old but also bulked up and surrounded by flames. It sure must have been quite tiresome to use such a quirk at the rain but I didn't wanted to pray into it. This was not my job after all. 

Hero: Where is the shop owner, kid?

Me: Right in front of you. I own this place. 

Hero: Aren't you a bit young?

Me: 16 and I bought this place legally. 

Hero: Huh.... May I ask why you prepared these?

Me: I was waiting for you.

Hero: For me? HAHAHAHAHA kid do you even know who I am?

No but you don't know me either so we are quit!

Besides I really want to know why you are here and all the fights you gone through!


I should better not ask!

That would be rude...

But I could kill for a good story....



Don't be rude Izuku!

He might be a costumer in the future!

Don't scare them away!

Me: A hero, does it really matter who you are more than this?

Hero: I guess you are right.

He still seemed quite surprised by my answer but didn't wanted to continue it at all. Instead he was looking me up and I could tell how much he was judging this place and myself. This was not the time for that tho. I knew my place wasn't much since I didn't had any money but it was all I has and I loved it. There was no need for something fancy as long as I got to be surrounded by books.

Me: Seems like you came across trouble.

It was just a hint but nothing more. I knew there had to be something for a hero to be around these parts of the city and again it was pooring cats and dogs outside that there had to be a special reason for it.

Hero: Yeah.... I indeed found myself quite in a situation.

Me: A situation? Perhapse a villainous groupe around this parts?

It wasn't hard to guess he was after some villains and I knew some around here. Most of them are in gangs however so I made my judgement and believed that he was after one of them. They might have ticked him off or they might have also targeted him. Who knows but the hero was definitelly looking for someone why else would he come into my shop? It may be raining but in order for a hero to come in, not looking for a fight nor being injured meant that they wanted to ask something.... either directions or about information.

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Where stories live. Discover now