New customer!

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It was honestly such a brilliant day today that I even thought about closing the shop for a day and just go out and spend the day reading in the sun somewhere. Well that was what I initially wanted to do but I decided to stay indoors since I was quite the lazy guy and instead I went to my little reading area and just started reading.

It really looks different here...

Now I have electricity and warm water.

Never thought I would get that and still pay soo little for it.

This is a great spot for a shop!

I don't get how no one wanted to be here.

No one is actually doing anything to my shop as well!

I don't get how tho...

Well don't have to know!

Now where was I?

Ah yeah!

Page 42 from the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...

Not really my cup of tea but it is a bit funny so who cares.

I was sitting there reading this book and even though I didn't quite liked it at all, I continued to read it since there was something ridiclous about it that made me just read and not stop at all. There were some days I would spend hours reading and not really realize how much time would have passed but I enjoyed it so I didn't care at all.

While I was consumed in this book and not paying attention to anything around me, I didn't notice the bell ringing or this one guy coming it. Only after they were standing in front of me, did I realize it and stood up.

Me: Hello Sir. How can I help you?

???: Where is the shop keeper?

Me: I am the shop keeper.

???: ....

Me: What kind of book are you looking for?

This guy had a strange aura around him and some katanas at his back with a red scarf. I knew better than to judge people but this was also somewhat my job so I decided to take a wild guess at this guy so I could give him a book he would hopefully like.


He looks weird... kinda like a stray dog.

Judging by how he is dressed he is either a vigilante or villain or perhapse both at some point in life.

But why would he come to a bookstore?

I don't think he is here just for the books. 

So what is he doing here?

As I was trying to figure this person out, he decided to hand me over a book. Needless to say that I was quite surprised about this fact. Just by the cover, I knew that it was one of my books but I didn't had any recolection about selling it to this guy at all. He was in fact someone I just saw for the first time in my life.

Me: Huh...

???: Is this from this store?

Me: Yes, this is one of the books, I personally wrote but this is also just the pre-version of the released one. Can I ask where you got that one from?

I remember this one now!

It is definitelly one of my first books I wrote about villains and their quirks!

AH this one is also the one that I tried to burn at some point... nah more like got burned by an angry pomeranian.

I hated it and I really thought I lost it..

Better burn this completly!

???: Do you have more like these?

Me: Sure.

???: How many?

Me: About 6 different ones.

???: I'll take all of them. How much?

Me: 20 each.

???: No problems. I will come later to pick them up again and here for this version. 

Me: Oh no! Please take it with you... on the house as a welcome gift.

???: Alright.

That was all this person said before going out and I found it really strange that this book kinda made it's appareance again. I clearly remember it getting shredded by people after I got bullied and also thrown out of the window and getting kinda omnomnom eaten by fishies. Yeah I hated that book. Just seeing it made me remember all the times I hated. 


Whatever he gonna do with these...

At least I get some money from it.

I wonder if there is something special about them...

Maybe I should ask him but he didn't seem like a person with a lot of words to spare...


What should I do?

I want to know more about him!


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