Great advice-Parenthood!

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I was just on a break when I heard the door to my shop open and of course I went to the front to see someone I didn't expected to see in a while. It was no other than Mr. Todoroki. He came over while I came from the back of the shop and before I could say anything, he handed me a bag.

Endeavor: Here.

Me: What is this?

Endeavor: Food, what does it look like?

Me: And I will ask again. What is this as in what is this for?

Endeavor: Kid, you should know what food is about.

Me: I do but you didn't came for more books now, did you?

Endeavor: No. I came to check up on the place.

Me: Ah, makes more sense. Come in and look around.

Endeavor: What were you doing?

Me: I was just doing a break and was about to heat up some tea. Want some?

Endeavor: I am the coffee guy.

Me: But you look as if you could take some good old black coffee with milk.

Endeavor: Milk tea? Really?

Me: Mh! Well you do look like that type to me anyways.

Endeavor: *sigh*

Me: Anyways what can I do for you?

Endeavor: Got some more books? I need more information on that topic.

Me: What topic?

I asked because I really didn't know. It was not because I had a clue or that I was actually playing with this guys mind. I just had a lot of books recently that I already forgot what I gave him last time.

Endeavor: Just anything you can recommend.

Me: What now?

Endeavor: I'll take anything.

Me: ... alright...

Acting a bit suspicious today...

What's up with you?

Did your son get you in troubles?

I do remember that he should have a younger son with a bit of troubles.... Oh well if that is the case maybe I should give him a book about pareting.

He might needed it if his childrens are problem childrens... he does look as if he is a bit too soft for them... hmmm I think I got the right answer for this. Just need to get that pareting book out. Maybe it could help him... 

But I do want to know what kind of torubles they have to create for him to come here ask for more... this man is a hero after all... maybe they got actually arrested? That would be one hell of a story... I wonder if he would tell me about it if I would ask... Though I should be careful while asking for sure. This is a deliacte matter after all but I just wanna know!

While we were walking around this place, looking at the renovation and everything new, we started talking more and more and I thought it would be alright to ask him about the situation at some point because I couldn't hold my curiousity in anymore.

Me: What trouble did you find.

Endeavor: So you know...

Me: Of course I know. Why else would you be here?

Endeavor: I found some shit that I never thought I will...

So your son got arrested...


What did he do?

And how much shit did he do?

Me: It's only right to get arrested with that much of troubles one creates. No need to take it at heart.

Endeavor: I am not certain if I can do it.

Me: Oh you can. You have too. After all this is your job.

I do know that it will be hard for you as a parent but if you want them to be on the right track than this is definitelly the way but not as if I could tell him that.

It just sounds weird coming from someone like me.

Endeavor: If you say so. I will try my best.

Me: Mh! That's all I ask. Besides if it is too much, you could always ask for help. You are never allone. You have a partner too.

I am kinda really curious how the mother will cope with it.

Endeavor: That other would rather eat a bucket filled with chicken...

Me: How about just giving them this to change their mind?

When I said that, I quickly went to grab the book about parenting and andother one which was about glutony and how it would make the body fat and cause healt issues till one may or may not look attractive anymore. I thought it would be fitting since it kinda sounded as if the chicken was a bit of a problem as well.

Me: Take these two with you.

Endeavor: ... are you sure about this?

Me: Mh!

I don't really get why he looked that shocked and surprised but oh well, I didn't need to know everything plus he was a human and humans are always complicated. I hated thinking about them and I knew I was one of them as well. Whelp, just shows how much people have problems.

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt