New worries to deal with...

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Ever after that rat showed up, my days have become very quiet. Today was a day where I expected no customer at all. It was that day of the month where I had to close my shop in order to do some cleaning and inventory of all the books there were. For that I didn't liked to be bothered and it took me also quite a couple of hours to get everything noted down and cleaned and newly freshly rearranged. I liked to keep my shelves fresh. There were not a lot of customers around for me to actually do this but oh well, I just liked doing it.

Me: Hmmm... I wonder what happened with that stalker... haven't seen him in a while... oh and then that other guy with the scarf as well... Mr.Hizashi is also a bit late. Guess they are quite busy...

I wonder what Mr. Todoroki is doing with his child.

Oh I really hoped it helped him out. Poor child could get into serious troubles and it's not good for the hero father to bail him out all the times! He should seriously learn a bit or two and see how serious his father is as well!

As I was starting to think about these people, I heard a knock at the glasswindows and saw Dabi there. He had a bag in his hand and was was showing it to me quite obviously.

Me: Huh... what is he doing here?

I quickly got down the ladder and put the books away that I had in my hands before going to the door and looking at Dabi. Of course I welcomed him in as well.

Dabi: Ah great that you are here. I got some bento box for you.

Me: Why though?

Dabi: The book you gave us last time helped us out big times.

Me: I am soo glad it helped you out!

Dabi: It did and we are all thankfull sooo I brought you some food over.

Me: Oh please that wouldn't be necessary.

Dabi: Kid, you still look as skinny as last time. This is necessary.

For some reason I wanted to reply but couldn't do that at all. He was not that wrong. For a normal kid, I was for sure underweight but I was trying and it wasn't helping that I was normally skipping meals around noon and only ate in the morning a bit and in the evening. Besides I was not exercising so I didn't felt that hungry most of the times.

Me: Alright, thanks!

We sat down by the small table of the reading corner and were starting to eat since he had his own fill with him as well. It was cozy and it was nice until someone got into my store and it was no other than the rat. He walked straight over to us plopped down at the next spare seat and put some tea on the table without a single world.

Me: What's that for?

Nezu: A gift as a thank you for the last book. It helped me out a lot.

It seemed as if the chimera as well as Dabi knew each other. I could tell that much by how Dabi was reacting and honestly the man just gulped down his food before he was basically shooed out of my store by the mere presence of that chimera.

Nezu: I should have known that you had lend them your wisdom as well. How else could they figure out what was necessary.

Me: Ah yeah. I heard about their problems and I couldn't stand it. Poor hero to have to endure all that.

Nezu: I agree and thanks to you the kids are safe.


So he has more than one problem child... damn!

How many kids does the man have and why are they troubleseme?

Dabi is a nice hero.... hmm maybe it's the pressure... or something else. 

Nezu: I was wondering if you had another book for me.

Me: Ahm sure give me a moment.

I stuffed some meat into my mouth before I went to the shelf where I just had put new books in and pulled one about demon myths out. In there was also the mentioning of witchcraft and so on. Well I thought since he had a bible and was this happy he might as well be happy with something like this.

Nezu: Thank you very much!

Me: If I may, I recommend reading this only in the evning and not earlier than this.

Just for the mood... and I don't want you to be in here for much much longer!

Sooo this is my way of saying: GET THE HELL OUTA HERE!

Once again I smiled as I gave the book over to him. He seemed happy and put the double of the amount he put last time on the table before leaving quite quickly and I was too focused on the food to say anything more. Besides I got more tea but no teapot... I was quite sad about that but at the same time happy as well to get more tea I could someday for sure try out.

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora