What a surprise...

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After this hero left, I had a bad feeling about what would happen next. Only if I had listened to it because the very next day he was back and not only that but he had a lawyer with him and another guy in a costume which looked like him, kinda, a bit. Just judging by the the blue flames, and yes I know I was a hypocryte for doing this, I thought he could be his son. I mean they shared the same facial features and have some similarities in their build.

However that was not what was bothering me. It was daylight and I could look out of the shops window and then there was this one dead tree and a man standing there trying to hide in a yellow suit. Well this was soo out of place that I just couldn't really not notice them.

Me: Welcome back, Mister Todoroki.

Enji: Call me Enji.

Me: Very well.

It was weird to call him on first name basis but I wouldn't judge anyone if they prefered that. Besides maybe he hated the name, and maybe there was some tea behind it. With tea I meant that he could have been abused which is why he is a hero and then he hates his name but also doesn't wanna get rid of it because it defines him and he wants to live with his past rather than to just forget it and so on and so on. You see I was wuite quick to pick up details and start speculating about them.

What else should I do?

I was quite bored in this small little shop.

Of course I was writing some stories myself especially children books as well as some to help other people learn some stuff.

I wonder why he is here...

Tho I can't help but look at the dude behind him ...

Why is he even hiding?

Forget it!

I should focus on my customers or I would be a bad shop owner.

Of course I didn't let my surprise be seen on my face and decided to smile at my costume from yesterday. At least the weather was getting better but it was still suspicious that I had a man staring into the shop. Before I knew it... I even talked about it.

Me: Is that man a fellow friend?

Enji: Who?

???: Pffff- How did you not notice that we were being followed by All Might.

Enji: *Ahhh sigh* I am already starting to blend him out.

Me: ... I assume he is no friend then?

Enji: Working college and I was supposed to help him out with his new son.

Me: Ah I see. Then let's cut this short. What I can do for you all?

???: And that is the kid you were talking about out?

Enji: Yes. Please pardon my sons rudeness.

So he is his son!

They do look alike a bit.

I mean these costumes do a lot.

I wonder if the son got inspired by the father?

Ah this yellow outside is really bothering me.

Why does his friend even try to hide behind a tree?

This is ridiculous!

Does he think I can't see him?

While I tried my best to stay focused that yellow suit and that muscular man were starting to bother me more and more by each passing minute.

Enji: Very well. I came here to notice you that I am the new owner of this building.

Say what?!

He what?

What did he say?

Did I even hear right?



I don't think so.

Me: Pardon.

???: My old man bought the building.

Oh my god...

Why would he do that?

Does he want to throw me out?!

Is that what it is all about?!

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him yesterday!

He was way too curious about me!

Me: I see....

Enji: Nothing will change besides some technitian coming over soon to install some electricity as well as water.

Me: ... Pardon my rudeness but why would you do that?

Enji: I smiply like this shop and decided to support it.

Now I knew nothing anymore. What he said was really confusing and I was really really scared that he would just kick me out. I didn't had anywhere else to go after all. This was my home for a while now.

Me: Thank you.

Enji: That also gets us to why my lawyer is here. We need to set up a new contract for you to stay here legally.

Me: How much?

Enji: Nothing.

That was all he said and I didn't wanted to ask even more so I decided to nod my head and come over so that the lawyer could tell me everything else and of course sign the new papers.

What a really surprising start in the day.

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat