My protégé!

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All Might's POV:

After the talk with the kid, I made my way to Sir. Nighteye. It was time to talk with him and tell him about my decision. He was after all the one who suggested Mirio. I had Bakugo in mind but Izuku was right with tha anger issues. Maybe that kid was indeed not the best choice. He might even get himself more in trouble and get exciled from the hero commission. I knew that Nezu was leading the hero commission nowdays but seeing as how Bakugo reacted, he was quick to punch any higher up if something was not right. I should have known it from the start that Mirio would be a good match.

Took me a bit but I got to Sir. Nighteyes hero agency and then walked in and straight to the office. Me and that man were old time friends and he knew about my secret as well. So there was no harm in talking with him for a bit more.

I came straight to the office and knocked. I will never do the same mistake again and barge into anyones room for sure. Maybe buildings but not rooms since someone could have a personal moment and I had enough with that kid to know that. 

Once I heard a come in, I went inside and made myself confortable in the seat right across the office desk of my friend. He was sitting at his very own desk after all and standing would make the whole conversation just awkward.

Nighteye: Yagi, how come you are visiting me?

Me: Oh that... I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.

Nighteye: Sorry for what?

Me: Well I did tell you how stupid the idea was of taking Mirio as my next sucessor and I was behaving very childish. I am sorry for that.

Nighteye: I am glad you know that now as well.

Me: Sorry.

Nighteye: So what did you decide to do?

Me: I'll take him in.

Nighteye: What about the other kid?

Me: Someone made me see how foolish my decision would have been.

Nighteye: Someone?

Me: Not really important.

Nighteye: If you say so.

Me: What are you doing in the evening?

Nighteye: Let me guess, you want to go out drinking?

Me: Yes and I want to invite Mirio as well. 

Nighteye: So this is how you gonna give him your hair?

Me: Let's be honest it's gross.

Nighteye: Yup. I understand your intention of making him drunk before that.

Me: Yup.

Nighteye: I am in and I'll bring him over. 

Me: Good.

It was as he said. After that we both spend some time together talking about good old times before we parted. Before then I started to read up on what the kid give me. It was a book which basically was talking about Mirios character, his quirk and how it would affect one for all. Not only that but it suggested to mix either my blood in a drink cause DNA transfer or make him drunk enough so he wouldn't really remember how he got it. After that all I had to say he was drunk. Well I was thankful for the kid. He seemed like a good one only that All for One was there as well. 

I will finally have my protege.

This is urgant...

It's not as if I have time to waste... no one could heal up the wound I got from that fight... I know without anyone telling me that I don't have long to live... coughing up blood is everything I need to know.

At least I now have a protégée and don't need to actually worry about them either.

I'll definitely make sure to repay the kid for this one day.

I'll also make sure that my successor know about the bookstore and to protect it well.

From now on my lineage will protect this store and the kids family. He did enough for me and my protegee even if he doesn't know it yet.

With my resolve settled all I had to do was wait for the evening and then go drink with my friend and our new successor. As expected it was the best to get him drunk because I knew that a strain of hair would do the trick better than blood. Besides that no one likes to eat a strain of hair anyways. This way I can at least tell him that later on if he ever ask and if not, all I have to say is that I gave him my DNA.

Now I could finally rest assure that the future would be good and one for all wouldn't be lost.

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