A trilogy... what is he talking about?

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This man seemed to be really thankful because he kinda did start crying when he took the book from me. He was shaking my hand over and over and bowing all the way out of my shop. It was weird to see someone react this way but it made me smile since that meant he knew what to do from now on. 

Me: At least they will now find each other again.... and back to my little tea.

I took my teacup once again and started sipping some tea again. This tea was good it was some high end black tea with some lemongrass in it. Still a very good tea and perfect for the mood. I was currently reading a book about quirks and how they were actually created. It was a nice story and I could only wonder what my very own quirk was about. I knew I had one and that was enough for me. I was simply just happy with my life.

The doorbell rang once again and I could see Nezu coming into my shop. It was when I saw him that I started chocking on my tea.

What is he doing here?

Why is he here again?

Shit.... I should try to stop coughing.

It took me a couple of minutes before I stopped coughing and then I looked over to the chimera who came towards me and watched him climb onto the chair and sit down.

Me: Welcome to my bookstore Nezu. How can I help you this time around?

Nezu: May I ask for some tea as well.

Me: Naturally.

I did had about 4 cups around the teapot which I brewed and one of them was in use since I myself was drinking the tea. There was no harm in sharing especially since he did brough me some tea as well. So of course I did give him a cup of this tea and asked if he wanted some sugar or honey in it but he simply was prefering the tea pure without anything added into it.

Nezu: A nice and refreshing tea.

Me: It is. Now how can I help you?

The quicker I had this over with, the faster this demon would get out of my shop. Each time he was entering into the shop, I would feel a shiver down my spine warning me about him and I didn't liked it. I also didn't wanted to find out what the warning was all about as well.

Nezu: I was thinking to get the third part of the book you have given me.

Me: Third part?

What the hell is he talking about?

I gave him a bible and a book about witches and demons as well as one about chimeras and experiments... they were all standalone.

Is he dumb or something?

No no... don't think like this. Maybe he just wants something similar to it?


Nezu: Indeed or do you prefer me calling it something else?

Me: No, no, I am sorry I was not keeping track of the book I gave you.

I really have zero ideas what he is talking about but let's just smile and play it down.

First rule in selling stuff...the customer is always right and if I made a mistake it was never a mistake... so smile Izuku!

Just smile and give him something similar.

That should do it.

I chucked down the rest of the tea before I stood up and went to my new myths and religion section just to pull out a book about myths from here and there. There was one about a chimera in a whell inside as well. I hoped that this would satisfy the chimera in front of me and when I gave him the book I could see his eyes glittering.

Nezu: Finally! 

Me: ....

Nezu: Thank you for helping me out a lot. I shall never forget yout kindness.

Me: Your welcome.

He once again came into the shop and left without saying a lot but he did left me the money once agin. I was quite happy about him just coming and going and not staying a lot since I would for sure start to freak out.

What was that?

The guy is definitelly weird....

What did he mean?

Ah he has a screw loose!

Let's just enjoy my book and ignore this!

What do they say... ah... ignorance is bliss....

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