<Chapter 59>

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No perspective
Bumblebee and his team get back to earth and Denny says to them "Sounds like you guys had a heck of a halabaloo back home!"

Russel says from atop the command center "Dad, this is their home, r-right guys?"

Bumblebee tilts his head "If you still want us here? You've been chased, captured and nearly blown up since we first met you."

The kid cheers "Yeah! It's been a blast and a half!"

Strongarm speaks "Sir, if we're staying, we should have a formal chain of command."

Sideswipe argues "What, with you as second in command I suppose? I think I'd join ShiverTooth's command when he was still a con before that ever happens."

Grimlock belts out "Ooh! Ooh! Stay right there! I wanna sculpt you 2 having an argument!"

Drift states "Students? Sideswipe and Strongarm are excellent examples of how NOT to behave when part of a team."

Fixit agrees "I like your idea, Strongarm! I'll work up a slow-mart—- Glow-heart— FLOW CHART!!!"

Denny asks "Speaking of ShiverTooth, where is he?"

Russel adds "Yeah! Since you guys'll have a bit of free time, I wanted to ask if I could go flying with him! I haven't been on a flight in forever!"

Bumblebee sighs "ShiverTooth wanted to have some alone time with Optimus. It's been awhile since those 2 had some REAL peace together."

Denny was a bit shocked "Oh, so they ARE dating?"

Bee cocks a ridge "Uh yeah."

Jetstorm says "You know, I've seen how those two are."

Slipstream adds "They have so much history. They should get past dating and just get engaged."

Drift rolls his eyes "Okay now, hang on."

"You didn't notice Prime and ShiverTooth's connection?" Strongarm asks.

"Well I just thought they were—- well you know it doesn't really matter...." Denny shrugs it off "You guys have your own stuff. I won't but in."

Soon enough, a loud, long howl rings out in the distance. Russel gasps "Steeljaw!?"

Bumblebee shakes his head "Saved by the howl. Autobots? Let's rev up and roll out!" And with that, they all ride off to fight their enemy once again.

Back on Cybertron, Time skip (1 month) ShiverTooth's perspective.

"Alright, now you know the rules." A guard tells me.

"I know." I say "Stay behind the white line, don't touch the bars, don't make physical contact, don't give him anything, don't take anything from him."

We walk into the secure room. "You have 5 minutes." He tells me before sitting in the corner.

I walk up to the line and the cop presses a button to activate lights. I look inside to see my old friend. "Hey bud." I say.

The con looks up to me "Frag off."

I sigh "Soundwave, please talk to me. Look I'm sorry okay. I just couldn't let you destroy earth." He doesn't answer "Soundwave, I'm sorry okay?" I say when I don't hear a reply

"Get out." He tells me.

"Soundwave, I—-"

"GET OUT!!!!!!" Soundwave screams, standing up on his feet, pushing forward and yanking on the electrical chains.

I step back and another guard that was in the room catches me. I watch the guard get out a remote and press a red button that sends electricity through the chains and shocking Soundwave for punishment. "No no no! Please! That'll only make it worse!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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