<Chapter 5>

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As we walk, the interference acts up "The interference at this location is particularly heavy. We should fan out and search in pairs." Optimus suggests. The frontal four go off and a rustle goes off in the bushes. Windblade charges at it and attacks it. Optimus was shocked "Windblade! What are you doing?"

She replies "I'm—- Uh.... Simply clearing the path before a hallowed prime. It is an honor, sir." She bows.

I was confused at this. Something's up. This was like what happened back with the cons when I was with Shockwave and the predacons were about to be destroyed. They had some whole plan to eradicate them and I didn't know about it. I don't like this at all. Prime doesn't either.

Windblade continues and Prime tries to stop her "Honestly Windblade, this is not necessary. I can scout on my—" the bush began to rustle again and Windblade got on edge. Prime and I get out our weapons again.

"Down!!" Blade calls out before pushing Optimus down.

I had to run backwards so I didn't get crushed by him, but it didn't prevent it. He fell right ontop of me, pinning me down by his shoulder on my waist. I tried to get out but it was no use. Windblade told Prime to stay down which only made it worse. I look back to see some animal run out of the bushes and squeak at her. It then jumps onto her and runs across her, then getting her to walk backwards off the cliff into the water below.

Optimus gets up and off of me, letting me finally breath. He looks down the cliff, calling out for her. The others join up with us and too look down. Sideswipe ran along the side of the cliff to try to find a way to get her out. The rest of us ran after them. She was going down stream to a water fall. Sideswipe tried to get her out by jumping across but that didn't work. He then was able to grab her before she went over. The minicons cheer and we soon meet up with the other 2.

"You're limping." Prime says to her.

Windblade responds "Nothing a little Primer and paint can't fix, sir."

Optimus gives her her weapon back and then says "Next time, when and if you try to protect me, maybe not push me directly onto another teammate?" He gestures to me and I cough, getting a jump of oxygen, not really that I need it but it made me cough anyways.

She says "Ooh. Sorry, ShiverTooth."

I nod and hold out my hand "All good."

Optimus goes on "However, I appreciate your selfless action in the face of such a 'dire' threat, Windblade."

The jet says "Sorry, reflex. Don't we have minicons to catch?" And with that we were back onto our trail.

Prime's foot fails again and he drops his scanner. I run to grab it and then give it to him when he stands back up.

I hear Sideswipe complain "Okay, how come he can help OP but you can't?"

Windblade just shrugs "They did know each other longer, and... they seem to be pretty close."

We come upon an installation and Prime confirms "I believe we have found the source of the interference."

"And a perfect place for Decepticons to call home." Windblade states.

I ask my old friend "Didnt you guys live in a hangar after the missile silo got destroyed?" Optimus nods "Indeed, we did. Nice memory."

"Naw, my mine sucks." I shake my helm. We walk around carefully, in case of Decepticons. We then found a door that was opened. I run my digits along the scorch mark which felt slightly freezing as well. "This door's been recently attacked." I say before Sideswipe could speak. "The minicons are here."

"We shall break into teams. Windblade and Sideswipe, explore the interior of the building. Drift, you and your minicons will scout the opposite hangar, ShiverTooth and I will scout the perimeter." Prime announces.

Windblade asks "Optimus, if I go inside, I won't be able to employ my turbines for flight. I'd be of much better use outside— with you."

Prime thinks and then says "Agreed."

Drift let's his minicons with Windblade while he goes with Sideswipe. As I walk with Prime, Windblade says "Hey, I thought someone was going to scout the opposing hangar?"

Prime says "Yes, that would have been Drift and his students. I'm confused on why you are still following me..."

She says "W-well didn't you say we were in pairs?"

I cock a ridge. Am I not enough? Prime argues "We are. You have Drift's minicons. I have ShiverTooth."

She looks to me and acts surprised "Oh! Yeah, right, sorry. Maybe, he can go with Jet and Slip to the other hangar?"

I was even more surprised but I let it off. She probably had her reasons. I nod and say "Alright you 2, you heard her." They come with me as I walk to the other building.

We enter it and Slipstream tells me "You seem stressed, commander."

Jet adds "Your optics are dull."

I deny it "No, I'm perfectly fine."

Slipstream steps infront of me "I saw the way you looked when she dragged you away from Optimus. You were quite furious and surprised."

I act happy "Furious? No no no no no! Heh ha! I'm perfectly fine with a new autobot I just met about a week ago hanging with my best friend from stellar cycles ago." I said that last bit a bit too forced....

Jet storm agrees with his friend "See? Your voice pattern is even forced. Windblade has fought Decepticons so long, she isn't really use to you I don't think."

I look at them "Oh and you 2 young guys are?" They get shocked and then look to each other and then back to me nervously. I groan "See? Even you guys can't trust me..... it's alright though, I seem to get that a lot......"

Jetstorm counters "That's not what we meant, we ARE trained to fight Decepticons but it is kind of weird seeing an autobot group paired with a decepticon."

I agree "Yeah, I guess you're right.

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