<Chapter 21>

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A few days later, I was back on the road with the team. This time, I found that we had a new teammate. Grimlock didn't come with us on this mission. We found the mech easily. "This will be my fourth caller this month." Strongarm cheers "That's a personal best!"

Sideswipe rolls forward "Hold up, Strongarm. How about we let my intern take this one."

"Works for me!" The mech said "I'm on this con like grease on gears!"

The cadet runs forward "Back off, bumper brains! I tracked this one and he's going on MY stats."

I recognized the con.... It was the one I let out. I had to tell Bee. I couldn't hide it forever. Technically this makes him MY catch but I wasn't up for it.

BumbleBee says "Strongarm, Blurr, Don't be greedy. This is about getting the job done, period."

Fixit calls in "Commander Bumblebee, I found your quarry in the alchemor's logs. He's a skunkticon named Zorillor."

Sideswipe asks "If he was on the alchemor, why didn't he go with Decepticon island with all the other crooks?"

Fixit corrects "apparently he's somewhat of a loner. A-and he wasn't placed on the alchemor! He was just logged with the other skunkticons. He's from one of Windblade's caches."

Bumblebee asks "Then why didn't we get his signal when he escaped rather than now?"

The minicon says "I'm not sure."

I stayed quiet.

"His pod was located at——-" he reads off the coordinates.

Our Lieutenant I had to have guessed looked up to me "ShiverTooth? You went to that area? Did you see him?" I hummed nervously. He caught on "ShiverTooth!????"

I laugh nervously "Um.... I-I-I...."

Fixit calls back interrupting us "Oh, and remember, Skunkticons can spray a powerful sensor disabling cyber toxin."

Strongarm responds "Oh we remember."

"Thanks, Fixit, we'll be careful." Bumblebee says.

We lead him to a cave, and he transforms "Leave me and my pal in peace!!" He brings out his blaster and starts shooting. We all hide behind rocks to avoid it.

Blurr questions "Pal? Did he just call his blaster 'pal'?"

Drift states "Perhaps, criminals are often eccentric in their speech patterns."

Sideswipe says "Yeah and they talk funny too."

Blurr looks over to me "Yeah, like come on ShiverTooth! You're like 30 something and still you sound 10 years old!" I get surprised and Sideswipe and him start laughing. I growl, shrugging it off. I wasn't even that old. I'm only 24 and a half.

Bumblebee stops them "Knock it off you two, maybe he has another decepticon in there with him."

I say "Another reason for my idea that Decepticons are different. He's protecting someone. Someone he cares about. Decepticons aren't as dark as everyone thinks."

Bumblebee nods "Drift, you, ShiverTooth, and Strongarm scan the area to make sure this cave doesn't have a back door. Sideswipe, Blurr, you're with me."

I stop him "Bumblebee, let me come with you. I know this con. I HAVE seen him before.... I-I...." I look down. I was so embarrassed by it. Bumblebee cocks a ridge at me, asking me to go on. I shake my helm "Let's just go."

Sideswipe says "Keep your optics open, Intern and uh.... Be ready for anything."

"Dude! I'm not a total noob!" Blurr remarks "Not as much as ShiverTooth if you want me to replace him so bad." I stopped in my tracks, hearing that. I was hurt. Bumblebee didn't hear anything from what i saw because he would have defended me.

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