<Chapter 41>

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Another day, I was out flying, looking for Steeljaw. I couldn't find them. I decided to fly back to the cave and I stayed in alt while I rode through the tunnels to the main room. I transform once there and hear beeping. Grimlock wasn't at his post either. I go to the monitor and check on it "Oh Frag."

Denny drives in and they run over to us. Denny asks "everything alright?"

I say "Decepticon signatures have been located. Where is Grimlock?"

Fixit panics "We don't know. This is bad. How long has that been blinking?"

I say "Since I got back. That was a minute before you did."

Russel says "I knew I heard a jet engine nearby!"

Fixit calls the others "Fixit to Bumblebee, do you read?"

"What's the story, Fixit?" Our Lieutenant answers.

They then roll in and I explain the situation "Multiple Cybertronian tech signals have been detected at the nuclear waste disposal sight."

Grimlock arrives from another cave and calls out "Hey guys! Look what I found! I think it's a dinosaur fossil." We all glare at him and he says "I mean I could be wrong...." Bumblebee points to the screen and Grim whines "Oohh, that wasn't supposed to happen. I just took a break to have a little fun!"

Bumblebee argues "Grimlock, there's a time for fun and there is a time for work."

The dinobot defends "I know but.... Nothing had happened like all day. I didn't think a little break would hurt anything."

The Lieutenant says "During that little break, things might have happened that could be very serious."

Grim says "I'm sorry, Bee, for now on, I promise I'll keep fun and work completely separated."

"Hopefully we can reach the signal coordinates just in time to do some good. Autobots, let's rev up and roll out." Our boss declares. We all start heading over. Bumblebee says "ShiverTooth. Speed ahead. Scout around, but don't engage!"

I reply"Will do." And I go on my way.

When we meet back up, I land behind rocks and the others arrive. "Okay, we'll split into teams and flank the cons from the sides. However, ShiverTooth, fly straight up and ambush them from above. Strongarm, go with him. Crustacean, you're with me." Bumblebee orders.

I transform and Strongarm hops on. She lands on my wings and I cry out and fall back down. Strongarm asks "What? What did I do!?"

Bumblebee sighs "You landed on his wings. You have to keep from touching anywhere from here to here." He showed the areas and Strongarm saw how close her feet were to the middle part of my wings. Bumblebee says "forget it, I'll join him. Strongarm, you're with Grimlock, Sideswipe, with Crustacean."

We all go ahead and go on our way, however, they saw us and Bumblebee yells out "Change of plan! Just go in and kick tailpipe!"

Bumblebee jumps off my back and lands on Steeljaw. I fly up and circle around, shooting at Underbite, assisting Grimlock. I then get down on the ground when Grimlock gets thrown by Underbite and Crustacean joins me to fight him. We hit him until he couldn't move and he sat there groaning in pain.

I then heard Bumblebee yelling in pain so I flew over and dived at Steeljaw who stood above him, jackhammering into his frame. I kick him off and my optics burn dark red. I cuffed his claws and held his arms down with my foot and grabbed his throat with my servos, staring into his golden optics. He growled at me and tried to move. I started digging into his skin and he started whining through his snarls while energon began to leak from his neck.

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